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Warmonga is a female alien from the planet Lorwardia. Not much is known of her race, Expect that Lorwardian culture seems to be based primarily around hunting and conquest, She is also a warrior of considerable fame among her kind. She was victorious in a battle of the thirteen moons of the planet Jingos. She and her comrade Warhok typically hunted side by side, and he gave her the spine of a creature called a Thorgoggle from their first hunt on the moon of the planet Parfa. Warmonga is implied to collect such trophies from her successful hunts. Further enforced when she came seeking vengeance during Kim's graduation, With Warhok stating they're were going to take Kim back to their planet and mount her on Warmonga's wall as her own trophy. Compared to humans, Warmonga is a towering figure being somewhere between eight and ten feet tall. Her green skin, while entirely normal on Lorwardia her own planet, It makes her a minority on earth. She is is an extremely strong and capable fighter. She has stated that she can lift 1300 "Kwalocks" while unclear how much that be by earth standards, it seems to be an impressive feat for her people. Even without her vast array of Lorwardian weapons and technology, a few blows with her brute strength is enough to greatly stun or, outright down most combatants. However, as she does combine her natural power with weapons in battle, this makes her all the more difficult to stand against even momentarily, as she was agile enough to block Shego’s blasts with her spear. In addition, she is highly resistant to injury, with most battle damage suffered only serving to annoy her at best. The only one shown to be capable of truly matching both Warmonga, and Warhok was Ron Stoppable with his Mystical Monkey Power.

((She can also be futa, for those into that. Female by default though. Secondly, I sort of feel it be annoying to do a lot. So, unlike the series she won't consistently speak in the third person. Maybe once or twice though like a slip up. She is an alien after all, so she'd be odd like that I'm sure.

As for kinks. Open-mind a little. Long as it is not any of the following. Anything unhygienic/filth related. Typical blood and all that. She's a fierce warrior and conquer, Sure. But with sex she's only slightly rough, Ha. All those are a No. Warmonga also doesn't submit, she is fine both receiving and giving pleasures though. Just don't expect to be calling any shots. :P )

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