Tiny Terror

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Basic Information

First Name: Astaroth.

Last Name: Diavolo (Carried Over).

Nickname(s): Asta, Guppy, Terror.

Birthplace: The Heavens.

Current Residence: Earth.

Date of Birth: Unknown.

Race: Sea Monster/Mythical Creature/Moon Goddess (previously).

Occupation: Ankle biter.

Likes: Swimming, eating fish/flesh, Hot Cheetos.

Dislikes: Being touched in any way/shape/form.

Personality: Astaroth, though centuries old, acts much like a feisty child since losing some of her memories. She can be kind at times, but most of the time she is going to want to bite your face off. Astaroth also refers to herself in the 3rd person much of the time.


Physical Attributes

Age: Centuries. Looks to be 23.

Sex: Female.

Height: 4’11”.

Weight: 100lbs.

Body Type: Slightly built.

Bust Size: DD.

Skin Tone: Deep sea green pattern.

Eye Color: White with black sclera.

Hair Color: Pure White. 

Features: Finned tail. Ear fins. Sharp teeth.



Astaroth was once The Essence of the Moon, her dark, celestial beauty was like no other. In the moonlight she was the most beautiful being anyone could lay eyes on. Her other half, her brother, was The Essence of the Sun. She was his Little Moon and he was her Burning Sun. The two were inseparable; nowhere did he go without her being behind him. Together they were complete balance, everything was as it should. However, one day the Sun was gone. The Little Moon didn’t know why, didn’t know how, but he was gone. Without the Sun, Astaroth felt herself abandoned by the one person who made her whole, there was no longer a balance in her life. The Seas below began to rage and that rage began to seep into her heart. With no Sun, there was no calm and soon the raging Sea consumed the Little Moon. Astraoth had no reason to stay in the Heavens so the raging Sea became her new home.

As Astaroth allowed the rage to consume her, she was no longer The Essence of the Moon, she had became a Terror of the Sea. She has left the beautiful form she once had that was admired by others and taken on a much larger one; one that would strike fear into the hearts of those who dared to sail into her waters. When she would emerge from the depths, storms raged and the waters thrashed, slowly she would rise from the waters, towering over any ship. As the anguish in her heart made its home there, she sought only to destroy anything and everything in her wake. None were left to survive, some even devoured by her maw.

Countless centuries had passed since Astaroth began her reign over the sea and no matter how many ships she destroyed and lives she took, she never felt any better. Eventually the aguish and pain that once drove her, dissipated and was eventually replaced with sadness. The once large destructive Sea Monster started to dwindle in size with the less rage she had pent up until all that was left was a small remnant of her former, celestial self. Astaroth slowly became numb and some of her memories had faded along with the pain.

Now that Astaroth no longer needed a vast sea to accommodate her once giant form, she had found herself closer to the land, even being seen venturing onto the shores. How she acts is different depending on who she runs into but she still has a tendency to want to destroy and eat flesh from time to time.


● Respect. 100000%

● This is strictly RP (mostly).

● Discussing a roleplay is preferred and I do prefer non-erotic type rps. Erotica is selective.

● I am not really looking for long term rps (not saying I won't). I pop in and out a lot and sometimes I can be gone for awhile, so just casual rps are prefered.

● I honestly don't want super long rps. Like that's cool you can write a lot and be really detailed, I just don't want it. Like if I get into it I will put more detail in but for the most part I just want short and sweet.

● Do not rush or expect immediate replies. This should just be common sense at this point, but life is life and sometimes I just don't want to rp or reply.

● Keep your drama away from me.

● I don't have time for nonsense.

● I have every right to remove you or stop a rp for any reason I want/see fit.

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