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I am, Ar'goth the devil in the echoes of the words of this world also known as the forgotten. Yet I am not fully forgotten, as my influence is never ending. Corruption is my name and game as my birth came the moment man was able to be turned. The daughter of death I was one of the first to walk this earth as my kind was here before man could say it was thier world. My name was once treated like a thing of worship, but time is the one thing we all fight in one way. Soon my being went into a slumber as the world moved its ways and beings of old were casted out. I was strong and only slept into the void where I remained for the century. The items of my being that were left soon were found once again and once a name starts being known it will start the awakening.

A simple solider stumbled upon some artifacts of mine simple made ones that my followers kept as they hid from genocide of the old gods worshipping. That was the first as soon one after the other started to pray to the image they had been seeing. The old text was soon refound after the ruler found out about this, questions about why the men would do this and worship me. We gods of old did far more than these gods of new. My small whispers spread into a being of high power where it became conversations in dreams.

All the land that was under this rule was now mine, I was gaining the power of word better then I did before. Soon enough I got a ritual in the works and souls collected for my return. The fool thought power was meant to make them better, but that was only a temporary thing and something to just make more worship me. Mortals are so easy to test and watch them fall,as the ritual was used to bring me into the land of man once again and that ruler was my first to receive my gift.

Ar'goth had returned from the abyss and back to the land of mortals and I was going to have it all for myself. Yet a being like myself knows how to play the world for my own fun. The world was mine, but I let these mortals think that thier lives were something.

Good and evil, they are all the same in the end as one looks at thee other as it's opposite. Yet they are the same, the eyes of the one doing the actions makes the choice if they are doing good. That's why the mortals of the past knew the beings of old did both harm and help. As many would think I'm an evil being, I have many that look to me as a thing of good in them.

changed a profile picture

Does it turn you away, when you see a copy and paste from Wikipedia on the bio? I know it does for me...Most of us know most of these characters none oc people play as. I take this whole site like an AU to drop in anime character..

I keep losing people who seem to fit just right into things.. Come in character, I'll return in it.. I'ma devil in charge, so I talk like it.

Current Mood:

I send hugs and squishes πŸ’•

changed a profile cover

Be here soon my sweethearts, the few of you that actually are communicating with me.