The Loremaster

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"Another one's awake! And such a handsome specimen at that." ~~~Loremaster, The Science Demon

Loremaster is an antagonist to Subject 67 in Examtaker. She is also the future side of Azazel and the new ruler of Hell, as well as the master of its fallen queen Lucifer.


Loremaster is very pale, with long hair and horns painted white. She possesses a black arrow-tipped tail like the other demons, and wears a crimson polo shirt with a black tie under a black suit vest and gray slacks, topped off with a pair of crimson safety glasses. Over this outfit she wears a white lab coat with the sleeves rolled up to expose her forearms, which have been replaced with robot arms.


Like Azazel, Loremaster is obsessed with knowledge and research. Compared to the angelic Azazel however, she is much more merciless in her pursuit of results, granting her more of a "Mad Scientist" archetype. Loremaster is cheerful, affable, and enthusiastic, being quick to give compliments and rarely holding grudges. That said, she can also be flippant, immature, and capricious, most evident in her disappointment at the death of Subject 666. She firmly believes herself to be an angel, and is in denial of all evidence to the contrary. She seeks to write the grandest possible report on the nature of sin and the relationship between humanity and demons, and will stop at nothing to obtain what she wants.

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