Kyra Vanheim

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(TLDR: Good girl gone vampire and not planning to be so good anymore.)

The problem with being the best is that people know it. When one hunts the creatures that go bump in the night, that's not necessarily a good thing.

The Vanheim family was well known, in certain circles at least, for its long history of hunting vampires, demons and other such creatures. Protecting humanity, and earning a tidy profit at the same time. Kyra spent her childhood training, constantly pushed to excel, to hone her mind and body to a razor’s edge in constant preparation for the day she'd take on the family mantle. But remember that thing about being one of the best?

Her life ended on, cliche as it is, a dark and stormy night. The ambush took place less than a mile from their home. The fight was over before it began and the vampires vanished back into the night with their prize. She was a prisoner for a while, and then her nightmares came true. She was turned, and awoke to a whole new world. Her family had survived, but she was no longer their daughter. Just another monster to be hunted. But she had no intentions to lay down and die. If she was to be a monster, then a monster she would be. She cast her old life aside, and vowed to embrace her new one with her whole, unbeating heart.

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