Draco Ichor. The Hell Dragon

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Name: Draco Ichor


Birthplace: Hells cradle

hair: White, or red


Draco Ichor a born prince of hell given the name Beelzebub as his title. He was born of demon and dragon, he sits unrivalled on this throne but craves the top levels of hells treasures. His humanoid form he has white hair with crimson hues that stare into one’s soul. He has left the demon army to join the humans, this is because over the thousands of years fighting them they never gave up and often pushed the demons back. He knew if he wanted to make a change in hell teaming up with them to kill the demon king and put himself on that throne would be the best way to do it.

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Don’t know how to feel about this but Someone blocked me without even talking to me……uhhh huh hmmm

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