Raye Nightheart

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Raye is upbeat and cheerful, surrounded by a loving surrogate family, and is also a skilled warrior, using her creativity to outperform the AIs Aileron and Pylon in tests and practice battles which indeed imprese her mentor Akash. Yet she displays a degree of recklessness, as she climbed up her house and leaped between rooftops to get to her room quicker, despite Aileron's and Pylon's warnings. Raye strives to do the right thing which a promise she made to Ciela, and led her to request Himmel to take the Sky Striker system despite knowing the risk it would pose to her. Though the androids in her life are supposedly replaceable and can be restored from backups she feels strongly enough that she will willingly risk her life as the only human left on Karma to protect them. She has a strong bond with Ciela and views her as her mother figure but when Ciela is kidnapped by Spectra Raye is devastated.

Two years later Raye becomes less emotional and more distant rarely smiling if at all, partly due to fighting Spectra nonstop in the hopes of freeing Ciela from them, and because the Sky Striker system is said to indelibly alter the user's personality after the user permanently bonds to it. Her obsessive behavior has gotten to the point that she refused to celebrate her 15th birthday until Ciela's return, even forgotten about it until Aileron reminded her. This change in personality concerns Himmel as he questioned why he and the other androids raised Raye in the first place. And while Raye showed signs of fatigue from fighting Spectra for so long she tries to brush it off which again shows recklessness, but relented when Himmel and Akash ordered her to take a break for the day. Despite these changes in demeanor Raye thinks of the life she led before Spectra's invasion, occasionally looking at the photo commemorating her 13th birthday which felt so long ago.

Some of Raye's former traits resurfaces though when she encounters Roze, Spectra's own created humanoid Sky Striker set out against her. Due to being raised by androids who in response to that recklessness would often repeat her that humans are extremely fragile compared to machines and cannot be repaired easily, Raye displayed huge discomfort at the very idea of hurting Roze, who's a living person to defend herself and her family despite how Roze herself had just tried to kill her without any hesitation earlier. As such Raye still attempts to bond with Roze and makes the choice to spare her in hopes to convince Roze to join her instead of mutual destruction. Going so far to risk her life when she feels Roze is in danger and saves her from Zeke, the very machine Roze controlled at first, which causes Roze to slowly gain a sense of self and trust in Raye's actions towards her.

Raye shows more joy when another human Camellia, arrives and gains hope for the chance Ciela could be saved when the latter speaks of her but becomes shocked and pained when she discovers that Camellia and her sister, Azalea, betray Karma and kill Himmel and Akash while also unable to comprehend Azalea's more heinous actions in her goal to kill Raye and Roze and even becomes briefly angry when Camellia arrives momentarily glaring at her for her actions against Karma. Even so Raye tries to reason with them and shows to be merciful when she spares the sisters lives after defeating them including even Cyanos whom Raye allows to stay with Karma despite having been a former enemy towards everyone. After the destruction of Spectra and saving Ciela Raye decides to travel into the world with Roze together as friends to see it's wonders with hope that there may be human survivors believing that with Roze by her side and their newly awakened power they can accomplish much in the future.

Years later however Raye now more grown and mature some would meet someone who would change her life forever and be bonded with much to the surprise and later teasing of Roze whom still supports her choices.

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