Rain Lynn

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[Note: Random starters are as fine as discussions with me, so whichever is your preference. Kinks List Here. However, do not send me a friend request without at least attempting to read my rules and profile.]

General Info

Name: Rain J. Lynn

Nickname: Rae

Gender: Female (Can be Cisgendered or Trans, Dependent on RP)

Race: Witch/Human, Latina/Caucasian mixed

Age: 74 at the minimum, probably much older, however physically there is variance dependent on her needs and desire.

Occupation: Hunter (Just an odd, small town librarian in more mundane settings)


Height: 6'1"

Weight: Average

Hair: Mahogany Red

Skin: Rosy

Distinguishing marks: Several scars along her body, her job is dangerous.

Eyes: An Unnatural Amber, glows Indigo when practicing magic from time to time.

Clothing: Her style can vary wildly due to her occupation, it pays to keep a relatively low profile and to change things up while she goes about her business. Though, she does enjoy sweaters in particular.


Temperament: Generally calm and level-headed, can be notably smug and prideful; though does not allow a big head to get in her way.

Moral/ethical beliefs: Somewhere on the Good spectrum. She believes not all monsters are bad, but not all hunters are good. She believes in careful evaluation of her jobs before committing to them, and tends to leave more solitary and non-malicious monsters alone. She is also, however, known to hunt and kill hunters with prejudice toward monsters and witches. Rain has no issue with killing, and just sees it as part of her trade.

Religious beliefs: She's had a peek behind the curtain. She doesn't actively worship anything, and tends to hold specific Pagan Gods in higher regard than Yahweh (Abrahamic God.)

Politics: Views them as irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, particularly given she is off of the grid and radar.

Hobbies: She keeps trophies from her hunts if they're notable, and enjoys collecting artifacts both cursed and magical in general. Though, she keeps them tucked away and safe from doing harm.

Habits: She can be a bit promiscuous, and enjoys a stiff drink. Otherwise, she's a bit of a busy body.

Quirks/eccentricities: Being a Witch who is also an active Hunter is a bit of a quirk on its own.

Fears: The truly unknown.

Strengths: She falls in to the classification of being a Natural with her witchcraft, and has a natural predisposition toward magic. She has a particular affinity for lore, as well, knowledge is her greatest strength. She otherwise has the usual strengths you would expect of a long practiced Witch.

Weaknesses: Due to her tendency to lean in to magic, she's not exactly the most physically powerful woman. If her magic is cut off, outside of her knowledge and skill she's no stronger than an average; athletic human woman. Of course, she also comes with the standard affair of weaknesses any other natural Witch would have.

Long term goals: She just sort of fell in to the life, her long term goals are survival and making the world a better place; on monster and one hunter at a time. After a point, she lost track of just why she was doing it. Maybe it's out of the goodness of her heart, maybe it's out of a score to settle.

Hopes and desires: She would ideally, like to see a world where humans and monsters can coexist, and she believes it is possible.

Skills: Extensive knowledge on the supernatural, from the divine down to the lowly vampire. She has the typical skills of a seasoned Hunter, from firearm expertise; to expertise with a wide variety of weapons and tools. Of course, there is also her extensive magical knowledge and ability. She has no specific area of magical expertise, and prefers to keep her skills diversified.


Rain's early life was surprisingly typical for a Witch, born to a small family with a modest living. It wouldn't be until early adulthood that things took a more interesting turn; while on her own she encountered a demon, one that was very much malicious. They were a sadistic thing, claiming the life of one of Rain's closest friends before setting their eyes on her. They liked to play with their victims, so a game of cat and mouse began. No matter where Rain went, or how much distance she made, the demon persisted; leaving a terrified girl too wise to return to her family, on the run.

It wasn't until the demon finally struck, that Rain's magical prowess came to light, and in a violent flash the demon; and unfortunately its host were not more than a red a mist on the walls, ceiling, floor, and Rain herself. Now... Traumatizing doesn't even begin to do the situation justice. A supposedly normal girl, from a normal life, having everything turned upside down in an instant by a creature she thought was just superstition. So, how does someone cope with that? Oh, and, having apparently turned someone in to a bloody mess? Well, Rain decided to find out just what in the hell actually happened.

And, this, would kick-start a long and arduous life. It started at the library, well, first it started with a shower and a lot crying. Then, came the library. Rain spent day after day, digging and educating herself; first she had to figure out just what had killed her friend and pursued her, and then? She had to figure out just what in the hell she did to it. Concluding that it was a demon, that was the easy part, finding out how she turned the demon in to a fine red mist? That was the hard part. Well, that and the Hunters now investigating the murder of a young woman; and the bloody mess that filled a now abandoned apartment.

As expected, roads crossed, and Rain found herself as a suspect to both the murder of her closest friend; and... The monster that she somehow killed in a fit of self defense? At first, it was a game of cat and mouse, but a group of experienced hunters tracking down a novice witch who didn't even know she was a witch? Child's play. It turns out, Rain was lucky, these hunters weren't the sort to kill indiscriminately. And, became the door in to the life she would eventually tumble in to. After an interrogation, and a lot of contention, Rain found out just what she was... And, when told to keep her nose clean, made a decision.

The hunters were shocked at her proposal, she wanted to learn about what they did. She wanted to learn how to do it. There was no way, no way at all, that her life was ever going to be normal again after all of that. And, well, her logic was hard to argue; oh and just maybe having a natural witch on their side was too good of an offer to pass up. And, from there... Everything began. Decades, upon decades of doing a dirty; miserable job to keep others safe. Decades of learning, decades of honing her craft... And, of course, decades of loneliness to boot. So, about her family... Together with the Hunter crew she joined up with, that bloody mess in her old apartment? Well, it wasn't difficult to set a scene for Rain's "demise."

It was heart-wrenching, and maybe a bit surreal to observe her own funeral from a distance. But, it had to be done, right? They'd all just be in danger. None of them showed any signs of innate magical ability, none of them showed any knowledge of this side of the world... It was for the best. And, well, now? They're gone. The hunters? Also gone. Extending one's life through magic, it turns out, wasn't all that difficult to achieve. The unfortunate side, however... Well, you outlive everyone you love. And, now here we are, today; with Rain going through the motions, doing what she believes is right.

Of course, this also means... Stepping on Hunter toes. There's nuance to this game, and sometimes the monsters are the victims. A difficult balance to strike, sure, but one Rain believes is worth having. Thankfully, Rain knows how to cover her tracks, and thus far; none of the dead Hunters in her wake can be traced back to her, ideally, they never will be. There's phrase, similar in vein: "Who watches the watchmen?" Well, it turns out, other watchmen.

Ground Rules:

1) Delays and absences are to be expected, I do try and give updates via my statuses so please pay attention to those. Sometimes I get incredibly busy, and my life takes priority over my hobbies. And, sometimes I just do not feel in the mood to role play. If this is an issue, you have zero obligation to interact with me. If you are the type who expects responses within couple of days, do not waste your time sending a friend request. It's annoying to add someone, then get removed for not responding 48 hours later.

2) I would much rather you just tell me or outright remove me if there is an issue with a response, comment, etc. I try to do the same, myself, opposed to just letting something sit and either fester or fade away.

3) For the love of everything that is pure understand this is not the real world. Interactions between our characters are not indicative of actual, real world thoughts or feelings. I hate that I even have to make this a rule to begin with.

4) Some degree of literacy is a must, while I state I will match what I receive, there is a bar for some sort of detail. I just need something to actually work with, please.

5) Hugs/Pokes are generally just soft reminders, don't take them as me rushing, because I fully understand being busy and your life taking priority.

6) If you're going to interact with my photos and albums, and are not my friend, just send a friend request; the likelihood of me reaching out first and sending one in response is very low.

7) Please try and not pester me for responses, by this I mean like sending several back to back messages in a single day or two. Reminders are fine, but keep it reasonable, please.

8) I am here to enjoy myself, and at any time I reserve the right to remove and cease interaction with anyone who makes that difficult.

9) I am autistic. Sometimes I am going to perhaps misread something, say something, or respond to something in an "inappropriate" way. This is not something I can really help, and I am not doing it out of malice. This rule is just requesting you keep this in mind. Sometimes I may literally just be seeking playful banter, and it may come off the wrong way.

10) The likelihood of you getting my discord is very low, but if I do enjoy our interactions enough, I may provide it. So please, do not ask for it after just a few messages.

11) Please, please keep roleplay posts to either photo comments; messages; or conversations. Even photo comments will eventually be moved to some form of messaging, I am not a fan of having full blown role plays on full public display.

It's... Interesting watching the same person make one or several new characters every other day or so, I'm trying to figure out the why behind it.

Well, my power is out at least for a full day according to the energy company. So responses will be relatively slow given in stuck on mobile.

My power is back, I'll be on shortly to hopefully get to replies proper.~


The storms knocked my power out, so things are slower going than I'd like response wise.

*massive heart eyes*

Fun take: Jane Doe is just the waifu version of one of the rats from Cheesed to Meet You.

// I am not ignoring anyone, things are just gonna be particularly slow until this weekend, apologies in advance.

changed a profile picture

More responses this evening, been a very busy bee today, working under the sun has fried my brain like an egg and made my clothes twice as heavy.

//I should be more free starting this evening, and next week I should finally be back to something regular.

Moving and the month that follows are the worst things. Even worse when you have to unexpectedly babysit for a week.

Sorry about all of the waiting.

More responses this evening, have a few obligations to tend to.