Puppy Punk

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Name: Roxie

Age: 23

Height: 4'10

Weight: 90lbs soaking wet

Occupation: College Student, Stoner, Resident Couch Surfer

Hobbies: Smoking weed, playing video games, hanging with the homies, longboarding

Personality: Around strangers, she's quiet, reserved, a little shy. Around people she knows, she's outgoing and playful, sarcastic, and incredibly caring. She's only lewd around those that she really knows well, and those special few know her to be quite needy and clingy.

Likes: Partying, FPS games, bong rips, long rides during the early morning, staying up all night

Dislikes: Selfish lovers, hard drugs, alcohol(will still drink, just is a major lightweight and loses all inhibitions when drunk), cheaters, bugs and shellfish, her family, wearing pants

Kinks: Anal sex, clothed sex, affection, cuddling, face sitting/riding, light spanking, tail holding- not pulling...ok maybe some pulling, multiple creampies, hidden sex in public, outdoor sex, nipple play, petting- super tsun about that one! Uhm, may or may not be interested in paw(foot) jobs, and a guilty pleasure would be being a total butt slut. Roxie is really smoll, and so would her naughty bits but her tail hole would still be quite syretchy...within limits of course.

Limits: Hyper, pregnancy, non con, blood, gore, vore, toilet play(squirting is ok though), stomach bulging(tiny bumps are ok since she smol), incest, bugs.

Background: When Roxanne was a teenager, Mom cheated on Dad and ended up breaking up their family at a crucial part of her young life. This lead to a divorce, and Dad really got the short end of the stick. Mom got custody and Dad had to pay child support. Roxie was no child though. She knew what was going on and came to resent her mother as well as developing a deep hatred for cheaters in general. And contrary to popular belief, Mom was not doing it for the better. Mom continued to sleep around, making Roxanne truly despite the woman and the name she was given by her, so only went by Roxie after awhile. Getting sent off to college was the best thing that ever happened to her, but she was on her own now. Being 18 now meant the any support from Mom was out of the question, and Roxie didn't want to worry Dad any more, so she lied to him and said Mom had saved up enough for her to go to college which couldn't be farther than the truth. Roxie had scored an unspecified scholarship so she would get a free ride, but finding a place to stay and keeping herself fed was up to the kindness of the friends she would make in her first year. Now in her second year, Roxie is more established and has her friends around campus who let her crash on their couches on a rotating schedule.

Genres: Slice of life, romance, erotica, drama(sometimes)

Tummy hort :(

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