Grey Argus

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Name: Grey Argus Age: 30 ( Can change somewhat )

Height: 6 ft 5

Weight: 235

Species: Gray Wolf Anthro

Status: Single

Bio: Grey is the owner of a medium sized business. He is fairly well off but not a multi-millionaire. He owns a large 2 story home with a forest bordering the backside of the house. He's fairly down to earth and enjoys meeting new people. He isn't afraid to go out and mingle with most people. He enjoys camping, hiking, and exploring the woods behind his home to get back to nature. He will go out to bars, movies, malls, and other places.

Sorry I've been gone everyone, been rather hectic in real life. Doesn't help my internet is going crazy. Just reloaded the same page like 5 times before it went back to normal. I'll be around if anyone wants to catch up.