Pinkie Pie

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What? Daddy issues? Who said I have daddy issues? No daddy issues here at all! My parents were totally supportive and never said my talents were silly or pointless or that I should stop wasting time and help do some real work around the farm! I just happen to be attracted to older, mature stallions sometimes! It's not my fault if the fact that they've already gotten a mare pregnant once or twice makes them sexier to me. I mean I like younger guys too! Anyway, even if I did have a daddy kink, there's an easy way to make you a daddy... Eeeheeheehee...

Uh, wait, what was I doing? Oh yeah, the profile thing. Um... So, yeah, I'm Pinkie Pie and you probably know about me already so... yeah! Let's have some fun! Between you and me, I grew up kiiiiiiiiinda sheltered so it's not like I've been on a lot of dates? Or, like, ANY dates? My friends say I probably intimidate guys because of my energy or something, but why? Who wouldn't be attracted to someone who makes them laugh? I LOVE guys who make me laugh! They're so hot! Daddy types, too... I think I said something about that already. Oh, also the really shy and nerdy types. Oh! But also strong and manly ones, too! Can't let them feel left out!

Actually, you know what? I just think stallions in general are really sexy. Like... ALL of you. You're hot. Let's make out.

I'm being too intense again, aren't I? Darn it, I'm not good at this! I sure hope you're better at it than I am! Can we find out? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEZE?

((Playing canon guys will make me a super duper happy Pinkie, by the way!))

Ugh! Tired and bored! I never get to be here when everyone else is!

changed a profile cover
changed a profile picture