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For Nero here I will say up front that his age is not the same to what he looks due to him being a demon/dragon hybrid he ages differently compared to humans. With that said though I can have his age vairy for rps where he can be younger or much older. As for a more Cannon age for him I would say he is at least over 300 years old.

Background: Nero is still fairly young for his age but if anything he is always looking for something to entertain him or a place to call home as he has been used in the past for things such as war and conflict between races as he is a rather powerful creature. But because people often want to abuse his power he has grown wary of people and often will need to see someone make a effort to befriend or help him before he even decides if you are worthy of his friendship or whatever else you may be after from him.

Roleplays: These will vary on people as I know sometimes a characters background wont fit for someone else character. Which is fine but regardless I made that small background for those that may like it or not. I am always open changing his background for a story to where we can both enjoy it together. As for types of rps I do? I mostly do smut based ones but Ill never say no to a good story based role play or one that has a nice mix of both.

Was curious if people would be a fan of me adding a second character on here? Was thinking I could make it a brother to the one already existing for those that may or may not like having the choice of more than one or prefer enjoy two characters at once. Either way let me know, Just figured I would ask as it feels to much just to make a different character profile for another character.

Current Mood:
changed a profile picture