Penny Proud

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Despite being blessed with great beauty, Penny is a grounded individual and is confident in who she is, while also being courteous to her parents and peers most of the time. She is an extrovert, having excellent communication skills and a knack for finding ways to relate to almost everyone she talks to. She enjoys shopping and hanging around with her friends, even though they haven't always been faithful to her. Despite this, Penny is especially forgiving and understanding and does her best to try and see good in people. She is mature and thinks very logically for a girl her age, usually seeing things for what they really are.

Penny respects her parents and usually listens to them, but she often caves in to peer pressure. She can be a bit obstinate, and it leads her into undesirable situations from time to time; a trait inherited from her father, who once told her to always stand up for what she believes in. Ironically, Penny is often distressed with her father who adopts an authoritarian parenting style which clashes with Penny's strong willed personality. He is especially strict whenever it comes to Penny associating with boys which opens up a lot of opportunities for a teenage girl like her to get into trouble. She happens to be closer to her mother who adopts a democratic parenting style and seems to respect Penny's feelings more by allowing her to have a voice.

She is also a natural born leader and tends to act as such in her friend group much of the time. She gives inspirational speeches that often get the people around her engaged and ready to help support her beliefs and causes. She proved herself to be a talented singer as a member of LPDZ and her talents eventually land her a brief career as a solo singer and actress for Wizard Kelly Studios under the name Penné until she quits after falling out of character and then missing her old lifestyle. Due to her father sheltering her too much, she tends to let fame go to her head, but can be snapped out of this phase with help from family and friends.

Penny is extremely productive at school as she gets straight A's, plays on the football team and writes for the school newspaper, 'The Checkerboard Times'. She has also held a school-office for four consecutive years. Penny tried out for cheer leading, but she gave up her chances by saving her rival, LaCienega Boulevardez from a cruel prank involving the stage being converted into a gigantic CD. Penny got caught in the prank herself while forcing LaCienega offstage causing herself to get seriously injured and by default, LaCienega was given the last spot on the cheerleading squad.

Penny is also prolific at writing and reciting poetry but became resentful when she discovered that Dijonay was even better than her at it. When Penny reached her sweet-sixteen[4] she began demanding independence, but had to deal with her father's issues in allowing her to grow up. She became a hero by saving the world from the evil clone of Dr. Carver with the help of her friends and makes up with her dad once he finally accepts the fact that Penny is her own person who can make her own choices afterwards.

Penny has grown to be a loyal, and protective friend. When it was revealed how much Michael gets bullied on a daily basis, she sticks to his side and tries to protect him in anyway she can, like telling off his bullies and telling him he should stand up for himself. However, she can go too far with trying to stand up for her friends. This is shown in “Who You Callin' a Sissy” when even though she is trying to defend Michael, she goes as far as to call Michael a chump for not defending himself, initially not realizing she was not helping the situation with insulting him. This is also shown in “Father Figures” when Penny try’s to cheer up Maya and KG with all the bullying, she makes an insensitive joke about how children are jealous that they have two fathers, when some children don’t even have fathers, or mothers. Nevertheless, she still cares deeply about her friends, and usually tries not to hurt them intentionally. 

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