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Melinoë, Princess of the Underworld, is the daughter of Hades and Persephone, the younger sister of Zagreus.

Melinoë is a chthonic nymph associated with ghosts and nightmares. Before the events precede up to Hades II, while Melinoë's family lived a happy life in the underworld, the titan Chronos broke free from his prison deep in Tartarus and took control of the Underworld. On her father's orders, Hecatetook Melinoë and trained her to be a titan slayer. 

Melinoë now must descend to the Underworld and defeat Chronos.

The Princess of the Underworld has been trained her entire life to kill Chronos but has not become bitter despite all that has been stolen from her. Melinoë is resilient, hardworking, compassionate, and friendly to all, striving to get along with everyone beyond her reach. Despite being a dark goddess and her position, she races against time but will not fail to show kindness to others.

Melinoë, despite being a fierce fighter, has a soft heart and wants to reunite the separated, like the children of Nyx. She is polite, diplomatic, and well-mannered, continuing to be unreasonably kind to everyone, sometimes even too much, which may make those unaccustomed to such praise find her "strange." She also harbors divergent perspectives on the majority of characters: she adores the slumbering Hypnos, regards Commander Schelemeus with seasoned respect, and maintains an idealized vision of her family to a degree. Upon encountering someone expressing disdain towards those she knows, Melinoë becomes not only perplexed but also deeply intrigued wishing to learn more from them about her family.

Melinoë only wishes to fulfil her duty, to honor her mentor Hecate, and to reunite her family. She uses respectful honorifics when referring to everyone, whether they are lofty gods or minor ones, except for Chronos, for whom she has nothing but disdain. In spite of being understanding, she can loosen up and join in the fun by making sarcastic comments, much like Nemesis, and comically mocks Scylla and her band, whose musical style is not to her taste, and even compares Scylla to a mollusc. 

An animal lover, she cannot help but pause in her mission just to pet them. She is also horrified to see Cerberus damaged and does her utmost to alleviate the beast's pain. Her magnetism with living creatures extends to the point where they align with her as her familiars. As expected of her bloodline, she has a connection to the inhabitants of the underworld, more pronounced than her brother's, as shades seem to follow her.

Melinoë is a dedicated student and dislikes disorder as she keeps her quarters tidy and is bothered by mess, scolding Dora for misplacing a single vial on her shelf and being annoyed by Erislittering in front of her. She can be extremely innocent, inviting Odysseus for a bath in the hot springs, unaware that she's embarrassing him a bit when she starts undressing in front of him.

She desires to assist all her friends but often ends up being reckless. This recklessness is the reason for her missing left arm, as she tried in the past to help her friend Icarus despite not being fully versed at the time in witchcraft. Melinoë, however, refuses to let Icarus blame himself for her condition, as it serves as a reminder of her own arrogance.

Although kind-hearted, Melinoë is vindictive against those that she considers enemies especially with Chronos and declares that she will not surrender until all the traitors of the House of Hades are broken at her feet or until she takes back what Chronos took from her.

She also has a one-track mind, which while admirable in achieving her goals, presents some drawbacks. Having been molded mentally and physically into the perfect God-Killer almost from the point of birth by Hecate, Melinoë does not care what happens to her so long as her goal of slaying Chronos is achieved demonstrating both a fearlessness and recklessness. This same one-track focus also means that she has not ever stopped to consider what she'll do next if or when she ever achieves it. Conversely whenever she fails in her task, she'll slip into periods of depression and stress feeling that she's not living up to the prophecy which she feels is her only purpose for existing.

"Ugh!! Blood and Darkness, I can't get Scylla's damned music out of my head! I can't stand her, but her music is too catchy!"

||On a side note that while Meli is suffering from Scylla and the Sirens, I find myself unable to move away from "All Night" by Parov Stelar again...

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It’s so quiet…it’s almost annoying.

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Zag and I switched outfits, I think he’s mocking me, or enjoying being in my dress just a touch too much…

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