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Name: Marilyn

Age: “How dare you?!”

Height: 6 feet

Weight: “You have some nerve!”

Marilyn is a middle wealth woman, she’s got plenty of money to not really need to struggle for anything but she’s not living in the highest of society’s luxury. That doesn’t stop her from bitching when things don’t go her way, and bitch she will and a bitch she is. She’ll complain about anything that isn’t done for her to perfection. Some coupons expired right as she was planning on using them? “I wanna talk to the manager” The sale on an item or more didn’t go through? “Where’s your manager?” You forgot to remove the pickle from her burger? “I wanna see the manager” she’s also become aware of the trend of calling women like her “Karen” and she of course, hates it. She’ll get twice as mad if an employee calls her that. “My name is Marilyn!”

yes she’s a bitch… but god damn she’s a sexy one. And luckily for everyone she’s a sucker for compliments, calling her beautiful or pretty, will distract her from her anger pretty easily, or at least leave her flustered.

"Hmph, a filthy ginger in MY neighborhood? Oh the horror!"

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Mine. <3

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