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No one is free from the great game and the control we invoke upon the different realms and the worlds within them


Since the beginning, the numerous deities had fought against one another to claim control of the realms and the future for mortals. Still, each time they battled amongst themselves one would be in control for a moment before the other gods would join forces to end their momentum and allow the great game to continue its never-ending battles to be the true ruler, to become a god amongst gods. At least that is what was believed by the deities that there would never be a true winner among them, but that would change completely. A lowly god had slowly ingrained himself into different alliances among the gods and slowly turned each god against one another with his sweet words, leaving doubts in their minds about incoming betrayal by one of the deities in the alliance until it came to ahead and the gods would bicker amongst themselves until they killed one another leaving the alliance all but destroyed from the infighting.

The lowly god would continue to join different alliances among the different deities continuing to bring chaos and deceit among the gods and with each god killed due to his deceit and sweet words he would grow stronger with each death allowing him to take greater influence in the realm and slowly taking complete control of the realm as many of the major players amongst the deities had become weakened due to their alliances crumbling or being killed by him during the infighting amongst their one trusted allies and friends. This allowed him to take full control of the realm of the gods leaving whatever god left alive after his deceit and victory in hiding from him or serving him to wait for a moment to take him down.

Yet as time passed he watched the other deities attempting to conspire against him or attempt to whisper sweet words into his ears. To influence him to eliminate the others to keep them in line and influence his choices... At first, he took pleasure in seeing them squirm underneath him and make their plans to take him down, but as time passed and their plan failed their infighting ended the plans. He slowly grew bored of his position and even saddened after all he did to become the ruler amongst deities and to be able to influence everyone. He was left with nothing but a standstill of progress and almost the end of the great game! He was left with only one choice to change everything... He chose to reset the great game and allow fallen gods to be revived and erase the memories of all of them to once more force the gods in a never-ending war and fighting... Though he did make a few changes to the great game for his own pleasure and delight. This time he had erased his existence to be left as a small footnote amongst the gods. Now the once ruler amongst the deities watches the great game at a distance. His influence may not be seen by the gods, but in his hiding, he chooses to change the fates of gods on a whim that would keep the great game balanced or he will focus on their servants in the realms or a random mortal to change their fates that would change their fate for his amusement whether it would be a positive change or a negative... No one will know until it is time for their fate is decided.


Astraios tends to be aloof and relaxed in most of his interactions with others to keep them at ease to allow for easier dialogue, but depending on the interest of who he speaks with and his mood. With his time in the great game and his need to be deceitful, he had developed a separate personality that would surface during his time in the great game. This personality would flirt with some of the gods and seduce them into falling into a pit of pleasure and excess making them fall into addiction of bliss.

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