Infatuation: Outbreak

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Yes, this is something I designed based on Resident evil. Want to give it a try? come on! Just so you all know this was not intended for me to write as a zombie - in fact they can be there but obviously within every Zombie world it is about avoiding them. I do NOT play males either, for story yes, but only that. I will do female and female with a clitdick. I will ask what you want later.


Insatiable Desire Virus (IDV)


The Insatiable Desire Virus (IDV) originated from Genesis Labs, a biotech corporation known for its unethical experiments aimed at manipulating human emotions for military purposes. Researchers believed that by heightening emotional responses, they could create super-soldiers capable of unwavering loyalty and intense combat focus. However, the experiments backfired during a live test, resulting in a catastrophic outbreak. The virus quickly escaped containment, spreading rapidly through urban centers and leading to widespread chaos.

The lab’s director, Dr. Elara Voss, initially aimed to create a drug to enhance bonding and empathy but inadvertently unleashed a virus that magnified base desires to a point of insanity. As the lab was quarantined, the infected individuals exhibited an overwhelming need for physical contact, leading to violent behavior and the breakdown of societal norms.

Primary Transmission.

The virus spreads primarily through direct physical contact, particularly in moments of heightened emotional arousal. Key methods of transmission include:

Kissing: Exchange of saliva acts as a primary vehicle for the virus.

Touching: Skin-to-skin contact can transfer the virus through micro-abrasions.

Sexual Activity: The virus is highly transmissible during intimate encounters, making crowded or party-like environments particularly dangerous.

Secondary Transmission:

Infection can also occur through:

Bites and Scratches: Infected individuals or zombies can transmit the virus through saliva in bites or scratches.

Bodily Fluids: Exposure to infected blood, semen, or other fluids can lead to infection.

Environmental Persistence:

The virus can survive on surfaces for several hours, especially in humid environments. Public spaces such as clubs, bars, and crowded urban areas become hot zones where the virus thrives.


Initial Stage (0-24 hours):

Physical Symptoms:

Increased heart rate, flushed skin, heightened senses, and a general sense of euphoria.

Psychological Symptoms:

Mild impulsivity and intense sexual desire.

Difficulty concentrating on anything non-sexual.

Behavioral Changes:

Increased flirtation and aggressive behavior, seeking physical contact.

Advanced Stage (1-3 days):

Physical Symptoms:

Severe agitation, erratic behavior, insomnia, and loss of appetite.

Psychological Symptoms:

Hallucinations and delusions related to their desires, increasing paranoia.

Behavioral Changes:

Engaging in reckless or violent behavior, including sexual aggression.

Final Stage (3+ days):

Physical Symptoms:

Complete physical decay; those who succumb to the virus may die from heart failure or exhaustion.


Infected individuals reanimate as “Desire Zombies,” driven by primal instincts to breed or infect others.

Altered Physiology:

Some women infected with the virus develop additional physical characteristics, such as an enhanced or altered sexual organ. This unique change can increase their sexual allure and drive, further amplifying the chaos surrounding the outbreak.

This feature may provide heightened sexual pleasure and the ability to entice or seduce other survivors or infected individuals, creating both opportunities and challenges in their interactions.

Recovery Potential:


Maintain a low profile to evade infected individuals and zombies.

Steer clear of crowded places where transmission risks are highest.

Be aware of emotional triggers that could heighten impulses.

Tactical Combat:


Utilize makeshift weapons and firearms to defend against threats.


Move quietly and avoid confrontation; use stealth mechanics to bypass dangers.


Survivors can create temporary antidotes using specific herbs and compounds, providing brief relief from symptoms.

Resource Gathering:

Collect essential supplies, including medical kits, food, and weapon parts to craft better defenses.

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