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Helena lives in Greece and was the head priestess of a Goddess of love and beauty, unfortunately she was also the only priestess, the goddess was an ancient one, older than Aphrodite or Venus, she was tasked with spreading her influence, so Helena started a Cult, but struggled to find followers, many people took offense to her practices, some thought she was just lying about her goddess to start some kind of brothel, Helena’s goddess only spoke to her which only increased the challenge of converting people to her cause. The temple she resided was destroyed by her enemies, all that was left was the shrine in her home.

One night, her goddess appeared before her, informing her that she was dying from the lack of believers and followers, she decided to reward Helena’s total devotion by transferring her powers to turn Helena into a goddess herself, Helena had no time to thank her goddess before her physical form demanifested and her divine power transferred into Helena. She grew and grew her size destroying the roof of her house, people perked out of their windows and left their houses as they saw the crazy religious nut growing radiating a divine aura, Helena could only thank her goddess silently, the new goddess was powerful enough to make herself known right here and now, she would become much more active in her followers lives so that she wouldn’t suffer the same fate as her beloved goddess

Helena’s divine powers include making men and woman beautiful and handsome, giving them their desired bodies, influencing love and sexuality, as she grew more powerful due to the following she accumulated she started to control the love lives of people more often, playing divine matchmaker as she decided who should be with who, her followers even started asking her directly or through prayer who they should be with. Helena can even alter her own appearance though prefers a classic Greek goddess look

Fun fact, Helena, like all other goddesses of Love, Beauty, Fertility, and Sex, hate each other for claiming the same title, but Helena hates Aphrodite/Venus the most because she’s Greek like her

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