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CT-6121 was cloned like many of his brothers on the fscility on Kamino yet his batch was personally picked by the supreme chancellor palpatine to receive multiple additional genetic mutations to enhance reflexes, motor functions aswell as brain activity to keep up with the plan on creating a specialised unit to deal with more delicate matters or special protective services for high ranking officials or even high value targets on certain planets belonging to the Republic.

As the Clone Wars began CT-6121 along with other Clone Assassins were mainly controlled and ordered by Palpatine and kept a secret from both the jedis aswell as various other clone regiments. Only the highest ranking officials in the grand army of the republic even knew that they existed or rather that there was a specialised group under the direct order of the supreme chancellor Palpatine. As the war progressed more and more of the Clone assassins began being tasked with eliminating political foes seemingly planning a coupe against Palpatine or rather that is what they were most notably told. Given their mutations and genetic enhancements they never questioned the orders and fullfilled their missions with deadly precision.

When Order 66 was called out most assassins were tasked to wait in the Jedi Temple and wait in the holocron archives after intercepting the emssage from Master Yoda and waited for various Jedi to arrive. They quickly were dealt with and surely enough with the help of the 501st the entire temple was taken down.

Trained in any form combat with blaster pistols aswell as projectile weapons Clone assassins were often known for using vibroblade attachments to their arms to fight with the Jedi in close quarter combat. They often employed various acrobatic maneuvers along with a keen sense of danger and sharp reflexes to deal with the force users. Often enough their abilities were more than enough to deal with Jedi yet the masters such as Yoda, and Kenobi and similar were evenly matched or even surpassed the abilities of said assassins.

After the chancellor became the emperor some assassins were executed out of fear they might be able to remove their inhibitor chips by force or by other clone sympathizers with the Jedi to be used against the chancellor. CT-6121 was able to flee his execution and leave coruscant to live as bounty hunter in the outer rim. Yet who knows what might come for him or who might come for him as his inhibitor chip seemingly was not yet activated or even malfunctioned with the time passing on.


Thank you for reading this far. As seen it is a star war chaacter but the setting and character itself can be transferred to a lot of Sci Fi genres and i believe that would do me very good to broaden the horizon and give one more freedom with the atory plot and so on. Most of what i wrote has little to no real info or source since the Clone assassins were made for a video game so i had to come up with something to give a little more background but i think i did good.

Now i do hope we can get into soem fun roleplays together bu bear in mind i would prefer a bit of a slowburn when it comes to smut as i would prefer we go over sfw first and actually have the characters sort of develop something for one another.

Other than that feel free to hit me up and lets see what we can come up with

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