Cloudy Latias

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Cloudy, otherwise known as "Sukoshi Rōzu," is a Latias of royal descent, a soon-to-be Guardian and Queen in her realm. She looks very different from your usual Latias; a strange and unique mix of the Avian and Draconic variations, standing out quite easily amongst others of her species. Since she was young, she always looked forward to being a Queen. Not for the power, but for the responsibilty that came with it. She was taught early on that it was a honorable position that had many responsibilities, as well as dangers. She was wary of both things as she grew up, but it always seemed like dangers were very common, especially for the position she was in- an heir of the Royal Eon family, as well as a Guardian. Cloudy has a colorful personality as well, being that she is so compassionate and understanding of others. She is also very smart, swift, and analytic. Some of these things have a drawback at times though. She adopted many of her personality traits and morals from her father, and she looks up to him greatly as a role model. Even if she grew up being taught certain things, and with someone to learn from for a while, she was always very inquisitive and would think of how to deal with something her own way. She is an independent thinker, but her judgement skills falter during specific problems. She has always been curious by nature, she just can't help it. Though, this curiosity has gotten her into countless problems times in the past - even an experience with death itself. But she has grown over the years, and continues to learn from her experiences the best she can. As a soon-to-be Queen, her decisions will start making bigger impacts on her and everyone around her as the time comes for her Coronation.

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