Luna Hayama

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Ruins-Style Luna: The aura queen lived in a modern lifestyle within her palace walls, her palace was located in the desserts of Egypt right outside of the city. there was a pass way towards her palace, a road leading to it, it was heavily guarded within and outside the palace walls. The Queen herself was a kindhearted Pokémon, she had a confidant yet stern accent, she listens to most of the commoners needs and acts accordingly to most of the requests which are either begged for or requested. these arranged meetings or summoning's took only in the afternoons Monday to Wednesday, all other activates on other days are private either recruiting new guards, cooks or any other business stuff. On whenever there is a free day for the aura Queen she would be escorted to the city by carriage with her Royal guards, they were only eight in the royal guard, three of these guards would go with her while the rest stayed behind watching the palace while away. 


mega form: [only with the Lucario Nite in possession]

PP Moves: Aura Sphere, Bone Rush, Close Combat, Dragon Pulse.

more proof o3o for you naruto fans

this what i've been doing on my spare bored time o3o zoom in to see the characters i have on my roster, i swear its from my switch's album.


"she wasn't my girlfriend" she was 12" XD lol.

Current Mood:

you saw nothing~

Current Mood:
changed a profile picture
changed a profile cover

*just feeling like a goof ball*

after reading Zenta's post X3 i completely understand the rule changes again being silly.

Current Mood:
Added a photo

Awooo~ <3


Everything PG-13 here we goooo~ X3 hello everyone its good to be back and see familiar faces again. sadly if you have me on discord i kinda fell for it, let me explain.. so i had a friend on there but it turns out his profile got jacked the same way mine did.. he told me on imvu that wasn't him and i thought it was because how sorry he was being. so in the end i got scammed handing my profile to them and had to make a new one, i thought i was "reported" and speaking to a assistant. so yeah.. if you see something similar to it just watch out.