Alaric Ectorious

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Born into nobility Alaric had a rather strict upbringing, it was drilled into him from a very early age that he needed to carry himself properly to be the head of the family when he came of age and with that came countless hours of etiquette training even if he didn't desire it; In fact he hated it, he wanted nothing more than to enjoy his youth like everyone else his age but when bringing such a thing up to his parents it was met with ridicule and the not so occasional back hand followed by a lecture of all the reasons of why he was better than his fellow peers, how his genetics were pure and he shouldn't muddle them with interacting with the common born people. Unfortunately for the people around Alaric those lectures sunk into him gradually as he grew up. Now as an adult Alaric does as he pleases, when he pleases; Call it being rebellious, Call it acting out from the parents he cut ties with as soon as he left from under their roof. Now he views people as little more than a means to an end, toys for his enjoyment and for some he just views them as a waste of space. His demeanor completely changed from that young boy his parents molded; Now cold and uncaring about the plights of others. Often times getting his fingers into shady dealings and markets to find anyone or anything worth having.

Going to knock out a few more replies then I am headed to bed. will be getting to the rest tomorrow!~

I am slowly getting back to doing replies. Give me some time. I will make sure to get to everyone.

replies may be halted for a moment. Have to take my dog to the vet. Its not looking good. I'll be back later.

Current Mood:

Good morning, my soul needs coffee then I shall get to a few replies. <3

Have to go pick up medication. I will be back as soon as possible then I'll get to replies <3

Heading home now, replies soon <3

I will be busy a good part of the day. I will be replying as I can. I appreciate all the attention!

Current Mood:
changed a profile picture