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Main Timeline

Android 18 is an android created by Dr. Gero in order to take revenge on Son Goku. Created to destroy Son Goku, and not to assist Dr. Gero, 17 and 18 destroyed him and decided to take their time destroying Goku, which gave way for another threat to bear fruit. An android from an alternate timeline came in as a bigger threat than the previous androids ever were. While being hunted down by this threat, 18 started having a change of heart once Krillin showed her kindness uncalled for, and though Goku and friends were eventually able to defeat the android, it was at the cost of Goku's life, giving 18 no reason to pursue his allies any further.

After Krillin took things even further in helping 17 and 18, she changed gears slowly but surely. Eventually, they started living together.

Alternate Timeline

Without interference from time travelers, 17 and 18 were able to do what they wanted. Goku suffered from his heart disease, and his allies were nearly all decimated. With no one strong enough to stand up to the androids, they continued destroying what they pleased... which, as it turned out, happened to be humans in general, so for years they were destroying one city after the next. Though 17 found some fun in playing with their prey, 18 really just wanted to destroy anything that annoyed her.


  • Patience please!
  • Messenger is for OOC! Conversations for IC.
  • I reserve the right to be selective.
  • I might accept most Dragonball RPers, but if I find we're a bad fit you're getting deleted, sorry.
  • If you re-add me after I delete you or deny your request, you get blocked.
  • I like a vast range of scenarios. Only Krillin gets the vanilla treatment, at least for main universe. NTR isn't a bad route either, though.
  • Unless I feel like it, private accounts won't be accepted. I like knowing what I'm getting into.
  • For the record, illiteracy is an instant turn off.
  • More to come?
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