“Two Hands” Revy

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Let’s be real, anyone with some anime expertise knows who Revy is. If you don’t like me putting some of the wiki, you aren’t who I want in my page.


Revy is a Chinese-American, slightly tan-skinned woman who appears to be in her mid to late twenties. She is 165.6 centimeters tall (or 5'5") and has upper back-length burgundy hair (brown hair in the manga) that she typically keeps in a low loose ponytail, including rather large bangs falling onto her forehead on either side along with two shoulder-length side locks framing her face. Moreover, she has amber-brown eyes, a tribal tattoo on her upper right arm that reaches all the way up to her neck, and a slightly muscular build that she does not conceal in the least.

Main Outfit:

Her wardrobe typically consists of a black tank top that leaves her stomach exposed, very short cut-off jeans (turned into denim shorts) that she never bothers buttoning up since she uses a U.S. Army webbing belt to keep them up instead, a pair of U.S. military jungle boots without socks, and a pair of black fingerless gloves. Revy also sports a pair of brown leather cross-draw shoulder holsters to store her twin Berettas in whenever she is not using them. She has stated on at least one occasion that she dresses in short clothing because such clothes are easy to move in and do not cause her to overheat, rather than because the outfit is revealing.

Winter Outfit: For colder climates, such as winter in Tokyo, Revy resorts to something a little warmer, including a red knitted hat, a white fur-lined brown coat, her regular fingerless gloves, a black turtleneck, a horizontally striped red miniskirt (plaid in the manga), black tights and brown cowgirl boots.


Revy is a troubled, loud, rude, sarcastic, deadly, competitive, short-tempered, cynical, confident and considerably aggressive person who also exhibits a wild temperament. Unlike Rock, Revy is undiplomatic, believing in the use of brute force and coercion to get her way. Out of all the characters in the series, Revy uses the foulest language and is also a heavy smoker and drinker. Revy is merciless and sadistic, and she is more than capable of killing anyone, even unarmed civilians. Despite her merciless nature, she is also capable of being humorous and witty, and she can be quite a talker when she is not mad. Another aspect of her personality is her racial insensitivity:

She has mocked Shenhua's broken, the term Revy uses toward Shenhua is "Chinglish," which is a portmanteau of Chinese and English.

She has used the anti-Chinese slur "chinky" toward Feng Yifei.

She has demeaned Leigharch for his Irish heritage (in the English version of the anime, she calls him a "Leprechaun," whereas in the manga, the insult she uses toward him is the anti-Irish slur "mick").

She refers to Isaac as "that creepy Jew."

She calls a FARC soldier a "beaner."

She has referred to Eastern European people by the slur "bohunk."

She refers to the Frenchwomen of Les Cinq Doigts as "frogs."

Although most people call her "Revy," she usually addresses herself as Rebecca to elderly people like Sister Yolanda and Praiyachat. At the beginning of the series, Revy was a merciless, sadistic and skilled killer without conscience, more than ready to kill anyone at the slightest provocation, even unarmed civilians (as demonstrated in the U-boat rampage), and she kills in cold blood as seen when she murders a wounded FARC soldier after promising him to take him to a hospital in exchange for him disclosing Roberta's location.[15]She takes maniacal glee in killing anyone she fights or otherwise comes into conflict with, while having very little remorse for her victims. Whilst appearing to be driven by general bloodlust, it is shown throughout the series that Revy subconsciously uses violence as a dysfunctional and destructive coping mechanism and outlet for her deeply repressed emotional and psychological issues. An example of this is when she becomes uneasy at the idea of accepting Rock into the Lagoon Company; Revy then vents her trust issues by becoming particularly unpredictable during several ensuing missions and getting what Dutch refers to as "Whitman fever," going on indiscriminate shooting rampages and executing hostiles and innocent bystanders alike. However, it should be noted that the above incident was indicated by Dutch to have been rather out of character for her, and he harshly chastised her for it.

The inhabitants of Roanapur tend to take Revy at face value as an incredibly destructive, volatile, sadistic, gun-crazed psychopath and this is how Revy initially thinks of herself, ignoring the psychological trauma and emotional turmoil that fuels her behavior, possibly putting on this act to prevent others from discovering her emotional scars, keeping them hidden even from herself. It is only when Rock arrives and begins to confront her over her actions, as opposed to immediately backing off or enabling her, that she begins to develop some reluctant introspection and to seriously think about who she has become and who she really is.

One of the ways Revy's subconscious pain and emotional scars manifest themselves is her aversion to the empathy of others or others trying to relate to her. People presuming to understand what she has been through or how it has affected her is a huge trigger for Revy, causing her to react in a violent rage, suggesting the depth of the bitterness and grief her early life has bred into her. She has a changing but volatile attitude towards Rock, the at-the-time newest and most outspokenly humane crew member of the Lagoon Company. Although she respects him later in the series, she is at first mostly hostile towards Rock, as she tried to intentionally kill him on at least two occasions and threatened him on countless others. However, she does have a tendency to save Rock from critical situations, and later on, she becomes closer to him.

Due to an impoverished upbringing which involved verbal, physical and sexual abuse from those who had power over her (such as her father and the police), Revy has developed an obsession towards power, over both herself and others, which causes her to appear fiercely independent and violently assertive, often using verbal or physical violence as a response to anyone who crosses her or to assert her dominance. However, while Revy initially appears to be tough, savage and strong-minded, her exterior actually covers up a profound lack of inner-strength and fear of the powerlessness she felt as a child. Her independence is actually more of a reactive attachment disorder, alienating others as much as possible to prevent the exposure of her own weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Revy believes the chief source of power in life is money, the "one thing everyone respects and agrees on," and consequently has developed an obsession with maximizing the profits from each job as much as possible, such as ransoming others and looting corpses when she feels that the Lagoon Company is not paid enough given the risks involved and/or the work put in.

Later on in the series, it is suggested that, despite her insistence otherwise, deep down Revy actually hates Roanapur, her lifestyle and the person she has become, and that she wants to change but does not know how. In Tokyo, Revy opens up to Rock, saying that she has lived "on dirty air" her whole life and, though she temporarily forgot it, she would be incapable of living in "a good place" like the one Rock came from. In Roberta's Blood Trail, after Revy states that Fabiola Iglesias sees the world as a garden of roses, Fabiola retorts that Revy is actually the one who sees the world as a garden of roses, one that she herself was expelled from. This feeling that she was unreasonably denied a happy life causes Revy to adamantly view the world as bleak and desolate, to the exclusion of all contradictory evidence.

One of her funnier aspects is sometimes being quite forgetful; during the "Greenback Jane" arc she was unable to recall remembering Lotton the Wizard, let alone shooting him, much to Shenhuaand Sawyer's amusement and falling for Roberta's trick that her shoe was untied. Revy has not completed formal education, most likely due to her poor & horrible upbringing and her dropping out of junior high. Despite her lack of formal education, she does have some deduction skills, and she is able to understand a little Spanish and claims to know a tiny bit of Cantonese.

Revy suggests, though does not outright confirm, bisexuality by telling Jane that she has "won over some sex-starved dykes by playing the man's role." It should be noted however, that this statement was given in the context of a threat; she was in no uncertain terms telling Jane to back off of Rock after Jane revealed that she wanted to involve him in an orgy. Outside of these instances (one of them being an out-and-out joke), Revy does not seem to have either a sex life or any visible interest in sex, possibly due to the trauma she went through when a corrupt policeman raped her.

She has also complained on a few occasions about Jane's overt love of sex. Despite this, in the manga, she was involved in Rowan's S&M show, which may have been more to satisfy her sadism as well as her subconscious self-loathing (or simply as an easy way of making money). Conversely, Rowan stated in the anime that he wanted Revy to return to his employment as she was an S/M dancer previously, to which she retorted, "Forget it, Rowan. I'm not coming back. Even if there is whipping." Revy has a particular degree of comfort around Rock wherein she is comfortable wearing lesser clothing around him.

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