FILE - Gregor Pluckett AKA Apathy

NAME - Gregor Allan Montmorency Philippe Pluckett 

TITLES -  ‘The Lost Lost of Dunsany’ (ダンセイニの失領主, Danseini no Shitsu Ryoushu)  ‘Apathy’ (アパシー、 Apashi or 無関心、 Mukashin)

AFFILIATION - ‘The Seven Deadly Sin of Modern Times’.

Current Accusation against Gregor Pluckett

1) Has heavily funded the Cult of Gaea

2) Stole the Book that is the Scheme of Things from the Outer Rim of the Worlds

3) Great calamities and Plagues happen in his passing, but there seems to be no confirmed correlation between the two

Warnings by the Kan’non Collective - 

Nothing known has left any lasting damage to Apathy. Is he Invincible? May it be pointless to fight him?

He may very well be, but invincibility leads to carelessness, and his summons are so poor they may be easily dispelled.  

Our concern is not however with Apathy, as much as what he causes around him? Why do people suffer around him? Something is wrong… be careful, There must be something behind Apathy’s presence…

Background by Amaros for a big cup and tea and Danish biscuits → [Besides being a descendant of an illegitimate child of the Baron of Dunsany, Edward J. M. D. Plunkett, during the Second Boer War, there isn’t much remarkable about Gregor. He lived in South Africa in a relatively well-standing family, unaware of his own heritage, nothing important happening to him, trying to write down dialogues he had in dreams with supernatural entities (unaware they were the real deal), at times prepping them with something to spice them up. Although he had a passion for writing like his ancestor, he lacked any shred of talent, his work being derivative and insipid, characterized by uneven pacing and terse characterization. It was probably the constant bashing of his works that eventually burnt out his passion for prose, but gave him another idea for fame: caustic criticism. From a modest platform on social media, he became relatively famous enough to join multiple sites, and, while some did point out he had nothing to offer but gratuitous insults and an excessively crass language, some even pointing out he didn't even seem to engage with the material he was criticizing, but he was famous, and willing to bash his haters as well as anyone offering him constructive criticism. 

He was but an arrogant diva, shunning anyone that didn’t benefit him, looking down on his fans, colleagues and haters alike, it was but a matter of time for him to get the wrong guy mad. At last, it happened when he decided to insult and cuss out Phantasos, the Roman god of shaping dreams, blaming his vague shapes for the poor reception of his writings at the time. The Dream god, annoyed, would comply and completely remove his capacity of dreaming. Slowly, Gregor would lose his drive to write anything, finally abandoning his career without fanfare or any explanation. 

In a few weeks, he was already forgotten by many… But not everyone. A message (while commonly agreed it is the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins of Modern Times, we do not know if it were an anonymous message or through one of his former sponsorships) would offer him a Devil Summoning Program to encourage him to partake in a mystical journey and get his revenge for Phantasos.

Indoctrinated in the way of the Strongest by the Gaeans, Gregor would leave for the Dreamlands to get his revenge. Detailed information on what he did is unknown, but was known to treat his demonic partner as mere tools, easy to discard them as soon as it benefited him, not caring how far he pushed his body in the name of power for his payback. His journey led him to the Outer Rim of the Worlds, where he met the Being that was no Beast or God, and his book that wrote everything that ever happened and would happen. Something snapped inside Gregor as he read. He stole the book, discarding his original program in the process,  and left. His fight with Phantasos was anti-climatic: he had grown too powerful to be hurt, but while he could defeat the deity, he had lost all desire to kill him.

He had returned a shell of himself, with more curses and shadows that followed him, shapeless beings he kept trying to describe but failed due to his poor skills, and his poor observation turned anything into monstrous shades and blights. Brought to the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, he would join them as Apathy, with one desire on how to reshape the world: make everyone join him in the feeling he had when reading the book.

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