Encountering Evil

Morning passes, and the two Hat Kids and the two Mu's were out in the park, having some spare time before they go to the academy, where they encountered the alternate Prince.

"Just what do you want now?" Hat Kid proper asked. "Don't you think you've done enough harm?"

"Harm? It's only the beginning. The beginning of what I'm gonna do to you." The alternate Prince said, grinning a bit, before disappearing, causing a bulch of snatcherlings to appear.

Comments (33)
    • "Its gonna be the beginning of your one-way trip to Hell." Six is heard as he starts to step in, and since he is holding a minigun...he is not happy. Not happy one bit.

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      • "Ah son of a bitch..." Six mutters. "Here we go again."

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        • "Haul ass, Joy!" Riley yelled out as she got back in the bike and joined Mustache Girl and Mu. The two Hat Kids would proceed to join them. Vampire Mu looked at the group head off before looking back at Six.

          "Well, seems like I have to help them out." Vampire Mu said before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

          • Six shrugs and than ran to help them out as well, using his cybernetic enhancements to keep up as best as he can.

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