A surprise encounter

After the Prince was sent to the doctor's office, Hat Kid and the Couriers went to the lounge, as a friend of the Courier proper had arrived to meet them. The 22 year old hockey player-turned-hero Riley Andersen. Hat Kid was still concerned about the Prince.

"I still don't understand what's going on with the Prince. He wasn't like this when we got here." Hat Kid said to the Courier proper, making it clear that she was concerned.

"Yeah... Something isn't right." The Courier proper said to Hat Kid. "I've never seen something like this before."

Alternate Courier saw the two with some concern before looking right at Riley. "You alright, kid?" Alternate Courier asked. Riley gave her a thumbs up, only staying silent.

"Heh... I never thought I would be seeing double."

Riley was still silent when she, Hat Kid, and the Couriers heard the voice, as they then looked right at who said it. She looked like the younger Andersen, but her hair was all messed up, and looked like she hadn't slept in ages. "Scared of something?"

Each of them were indeed scare, with Alternate Courier falling down, and Courier proper pulling a gun out, although it didn't have any ammo in it.

"Holy hell, she needs a hair straightener!" Hat Kid said.

Comments (57)
    • Courier proper then activates a beacon using the computer implants she had made from the remnants of her Pip-Boy, likely to get some help from @Courier Six.

      "God damnit, man. I know you're out there somewhere!" The courier said to herself

      • "There's only one way to know for sure" Hat Kid said to Six. The alternate Riley looked at Hat Kid.

        "Heh... It's almost pointless having a friend when something bad happens to them." The alternate Riley said.

        • Six points at Alternate Riley. "Think you can speak when you're just a severed head? Doubtful." He than looks at Hat Kid. "Welp, let's get this started."

          • "Righto" Hat Kid said, with Joy restraining the alternate Riley. Hat Kid and the others then get extracted to the academy

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