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Contingency Plan Code Name: Trust Us

Subject: Vox

Vox is an Overlord, a Sinner with great power due to owning many souls and often represents an industry. For Vox, its video media of various forms as well as technology, especially since he is the founder and owner of VoxTek Enterprises. Vox is one of three Overlords who formed their own little group, dubbed The Vs. He lives in V Tower and his control center for survailence and media control is there as well. He sees himself as the leader of the Vs, as the one with the most control. Vox's origins are shrouded in mystery, more research must be done in order to discover his past, of his time when he was alive. There is a rumor however that Vox may be from the same era as his rival Alastor, but that is extremely debateable.

Vox himself is humanoid in appearance, with his most striking feature being having a TV for a head. According to some intel, there was time where his TV was more retro, meaning that at some time may have upgraded himself to adapt to the times. He is very charsimatic and as well as a manipulator to a high degree. His powers included electrokinesis, technokinesis, hypnosis, scrying, self-duplication, acoustokinesis, and some level of post human strength. Using his electric and techonological manipulation, he can use camera and monitors of any kind to travel from one point to another. His head can even connect to various cables for greater manipulation. Vox appears to have some history with Alastor, another Overlord. At one time, Vox wanted Alastor to join him, but the Radio Demon declined. This would lead to a fight between them, with the victor being unknown. Vox hates Alastor so much that even the mere mention of him seems to set him off and break his sense of control.

For this contingency, I have to take into account of his abilities as well as his flaws. For starters, I will have to fortify my suit to protect against Vox's technokinesis and electrokinesis. This is to prevent him from using my suit against me. The holy metal armor and holy water dipped baterangs can also be useful here given that Vox is still a demon. EMP traps will be set up near every camera and monitor to not only prevent him from escaping, but to also weaken him. Gas grenades fixed with a sleep agent will also be deployed so he can be neutralized. Psychological warfare will also be used to remind him that he is no longer in control. Being the control freak that he is, he will do his best to regain that control. The mentioning of Alastor will be key to breaking his focus, as an angered enemy is a blind and predictable enemy. He will than be transported to a remote location, his containment cell will have no technology in it, to keep him from escaping and growing strength. Lightning rods made from vibranium will be used to absorb his electrical energy, sapping him of his strength.

In conclusion, Vox is not a threat while he is still in Pentagram City....yet. The contingency will ensure that he does not become a greater threat than he already is. He may not be much of a fighter, but his power and influence alone makes him very deadly. Break his sense of control, you break the TV Demon.

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