Golden BB~!

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Comments (15)
    • Now this.

      This I like.

      • So... still, pretty much a commitment! Which some people will go and grind it out! Which is still pretty funny it was locked but as I'm not one who plays it much, wouldn't know.~

        • Ufufu. It is not a commitment at all, trust me. Usually as soon as a new character is released, you can get all their ascenscions right away just by max leveling them, which is easy to do. 99.99/100 times, the 3rd and final ascenscion is available right away. Sometimes they are require you to beat current released story, that is typically released along with the character.

          • Which typically is a commitment for the new player but... guess not so much for someone who's been at it for a while.

            Basically how it is in most games anyways!

          • "Nice dress you got there Beebs~."

            Chloe said with a mischievous smirk on his face

            • "You know it~"

              The AI cooed back the the evidently playful Chloe

              • "You know what would look even better though~? No dress at all~."

                • "Oh~ you prefer easy accessability, mhm?"

                • "The Golden BB?"

                  • "Indeed, from the dress itself, andright down to my pupils~ BB-chan is displaying all her radiance!"

                    • "I guess anything is possible with you. And it's not all made up too."

                      • "You know it, Senpai!"

                        • 1
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