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Stories -> Blogs ?

I'm debating about rebranding the Stories application back to what it used to be, Blogs. I've noticed before the initial shutdown and the return, it's just not being used as much under the Stories branding, would you all prefer a blogging format rather than a storytelling format?

Replies (3)
    • hm, I do not mind it being changed to blogs. However I really do like the storytelling format.

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      • If the overall community prefers more of a micro-blogging format for the app, what I can do is have a "Story" category to meet in the middle for those that would have otherwise preferred the storytelling format. That way, it'll have its place regardless.

        • That sounds like a good compromise. But overall, I agree with you. It is very few posts which I find rather weird. Since I personally loved the format. Maybe it is the name only and changing it to blogs help? Nonetheless, let’s see what people think.

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