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[June] Community Check-In

Realized I forgot to do one this month, so--- better late than never! I'm wanting to check in on the community to see how things are fairing here for them. Got any suggestions or criticisms, this would be the post to do them on, however, please keep things civil and not targeting anyone with ill intent. o7

Replies (11)
    • Everything is good really well on here for me

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      • Good to hear! :)

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        • Indeed :)

        • Haven't seen any glaring issues, my only thing is the conversation system seems to notify me of having multiple messages from a single thread? Not sure if that's intentional or if that's a bug?

          Outside of that, everything has been stellar on my part.

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          • In terms of the Conversations app, that's how it's designed, as it's basically a dedicated page with a comment section, that's locked between the chatters involved. So each comment will serve out a notification.

            • Ah! Was curious about thought it to be a receive one message, one notification. Now that I know that's how it's intended, then I have zero issues!

            • Well, I'm still of the mind suggesting a "Note" System for profiles. I believe that it just helps letting you write down if they're "X & X Alt", denied friendship, has certain preferences, etc... It's small and silly but to me, it'd be appreciated since I do forget things.

              • With the filters coming back for NSFW pics and what not. There anyway we could get a mass edit option on that?

                • If you mean for photos, there's the manage tab: https://roleplays.io/photos-manage

                  From there you can click on the pencil icon for each one, there isn't really an option for bulk editing.

                  If you mean for albums, only the album itself needs to be set, as it's not per-item within an album.

                  • That will suffice rather nicely actually. Though I do wish maybe that editing pieces that way might take you back to the manager.

                    Wait why not just do a toggle in the manager for NSFW like they already have on them?

                    • The redirection takes you back to the photo because it's the same as going to the photo and clicking on edit, this is just a shortcut to the edit page.

                      The manage page only serves as a quick way to edit, delete, or disable your content. Extensive editing requires the edit form which is on the edit page per photo. This includes the CF toggle.

                      If you have a lot of photos, it may benefit you to bookmark the manage tab.

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