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ABC's of OOC's

Writing a Starter/ Opening scene with confidence.

Opening scenes can be one of the hardest things to write for some. It can feel overwhelming, or intimidating. They are not that hard once you know what needs to go into them to make them functional for your writing level.

  • There are a couple rules of for a good opening scene that must be included regardless of post lengthed.
  • Setting (where the hell are we?)
  • Character intro (Who the hell are you?)
  • Motivation (Why the hell are you here?)
  • If your opening answers these questions, then it's pretty freaking good. Because that gives your partner a chance to enter themselves with their own.
  • Character intro ( Who the hell is the new person)
  • interaction (What reason do they have for meeting)
  • Observational additions (What the hell they see)

Then every subsequent response should be Interaction, story progression, setting progression, and character progression. Which is how a story happens! Exciting I know! So... what does that mean in...  non-sardonic oversimplification? Let's Take a look!

  • One liner:

Darven looked up at the full moon through the trees, sniffing the air seeking civilization.

One Liner:

Saliska smiled the village to her back, A bounty in her hand a werewolf her quarry. Swift movements drawing her nearer.

  • Semi-para.

Darven, a werewolf in his prime, sniffed the air and adjusted his course through the dense forest. The full moon hung low in the sky. His fur bristled with anticipation. He knew that beyond the trees lay not only the comforts of civilization but also the opportunity to rid himself of the beast within.

Semi Para:

Saliska moved through the trees her bare feet gripping the branches with each powerful leap through the trees. She didn't often hunt wolves, but this one was special, A beast for half the month and mortal for the other. A strange entity much like herself a living sword. If anyone would lay claim to such an oddity's life it would be her.

  • Para

Darven, a werewolf in his prime, sniffed the crisp air of the forest, his keen senses leading him onward. His paws, thick with black fur, padded silently through the underbrush as he navigated the familiar terrain. The full moon cast an ethereal glow over the trees, beckoning him toward civilization. He knew that tonight, when the moon set, he would transform back into his human form. The change always left him exhausted and in need of shelter, food, and clothes. He longed for the comforts of home and the warmth of a fire, and the taste of ale.


The cool evening air rustled through the dense forest as Saliska, a bounty hunter with long silver hair and bright green eyes, silently crept through the underbrush. Her senses were sharp as razors as she sniffed for the scent of her prey: Darven He, a cunning black fur werewolf with an insatiable thirst for civilization *Every two weeks leaving destruction two weeks later. Her built-in weapons, expertly honed over countless hunts, hidden under her skin, ready to spring into action at her command. The moon hung low in the sky, casting eerie shadows across the forest floor, as she carefully maneuvered between the towering trees. Suddenly, she caught a whiff of wolf musk, unmistakably belonging to Darven. Her heart raced with excitement and determination.

*This would have been on a metaphorical bounty poster in theoretical discussions that since both characters are mind i didn't have lol

You will notice that All of Saliska has yet to REACH Darven that is because he is a Scent heavy character meaning he needs a chance to sense her out, and attack FIRST he would have the upper hand being a wolf, Saliska's senses are sharp but not canine. This is something to always keep in mind when writing replies is what character you are dealing with.

  • Low-end Multi-para

Darven sniffed the air, his nostrils flaring as he scanned the darkened landscape for the faint scent of civilization. The full moon cast an eerie glow through the dense forest, revealing the outlines of towering trees and ancient stone ruins. His thick black fur bristled against his skin, betraying his agitation. He had been traveling for days now, his sharp claws and muscular legs carrying him swiftly across the unforgiving terrain.

As he continued to navigate the forest, he became increasingly aware of the change within him. The moon was at its peak tonight, and soon it would be time for him to surrender to his primal instincts. He longed for the comfort of a warm fire and a sturdy roof over his head, but he knew that such luxuries would have to wait until he had fulfilled his basic needs: a drink of ale and some clothes to wear when he finally turned back into his human form.

The sound of rustling leaves caught his attention, and Darven froze, instincts on high alert. He strained his senses, trying to determine if it was merely the wind or something more. Suddenly, a deer burst through the underbrush, its graceful form illuminated in the moonlight. Startled by the sudden movement, Darven hesitated for a moment before giving chase. The deer led him deeper into the woods, its pace slowing as it grew tired. Finally, Darven sprang forward, closing the distance between them with ease. He leapt, landing heavily on the creature's broad back, pinning it to the ground. Blood gushed from its throat, and Darven's mouth watered as the metallic scent filled his senses. He tore into the flesh, savoring the warmth that coursed through his body as he devoured his kill.

Satiated and revitalized, Darven straightened up, licking his chops. The taste of blood still lingered on his tongue, and he found himself craving something else now. Something to wash away the coppery taste and help him forget the beast he had just slain. He needed ale. And clothes. The thought of returning to civilization, of sitting by a crackling fire and enjoying the comforts of human companionship, filled him with a longing so intense that it ached in his very bones. With renewed purpose, he set off once more, following the scent that would lead him to the village where he could finally find what he was looking for.

The forest was alive with the scent of blood and the glow of the moon. Saliska, a silver-haired bounty hunter, moved through the trees with the grace of a predator. She tracked Darven, a werewolf known for his unpredictable behavior. The full moon cast an ethereal glow over the forest, illuminating the trail of destruction left in Darven's wake, tuffs of fur from a deer, and the large wolfen footprint in the dirt.

Her senses were heightened, picking up on the slightest rustle in the underbrush or the faintest scent on the wind. She moved swiftly and silently, her weapons - razor-sharp claws that extended from her fingertips - at the ready. As she rounded a dense cluster of trees, she caught a glimpse of movement ahead.

Darven was crouched over a fresh kill, tearing at the flesh of a deer with ravenous hunger. The sight of him in such a primal state sent a shiver down Saliska's spine. She knew that she had to act fast, for once he finished feeding, he would be even more dangerous. She stealthily crept closer staying up wind of him her heart racing in anticipation of the confrontation to come.

The werewolf's senses she hoped were dulled by the food in his belly. She watched and waited for her moment creeping as close as she could her legs tense to spring the second he spotted her. 

Why the hell do I always color code? Ya'll are lucky I am nice because it takes an extra couple of minutes.

I also found out, I don't like roleplaying with myself, i certainly can't do my best, given the predictable nature of it x.x more so the same basic scene like this;

You may have noticed I did NOT go into super overly detailed character descriptions in any of these, because honestly, they are not that close to each other yet, it's enough for the other WRITER to get the feel for what their character is looking at. Such as Saliska misunderstanding the slaughter as him being a violent being. that shit can be fun!

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