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Building appearances - Human-ish Edition.

The goal in creating a character is to constantly understand and allow others to understand what your character looks like from scene to scene. The clothes and hairstyles will change from story to story; however, the basics will always be the same, so it's essential to decide what those are so you know who/ what you are creating. This can be broken up into three main sections of character identity.

General Appearance: What do you look like? Height? Weight? Hair color? Eye color?

Details and Unique Aspects: Scars? Extra body parts? Missing body parts?

Clothing preferences: Why? Does any of it serve a purpose? Do they carry anything constantly on their bodies? 

General Appearance: What do you look like?

I know this feels silly to go through and just pick out words that kind of describe a basic look, but it will help. Even if you are looking at a picture sometimes you brain forgets the word that best describes what you are looking at and seeing them helps bring them forward in your mind. (You can also get a thesaurus downloaded onto your browser which can help tell you the meaning) But that is neither here nor there. The point of having hard lines on a look is for consistency in writing and ensuring if many characters are in the same story, you can know at a glance what the key appearance is. Can also help you describe other people's characters in replies. So.. having these terms can be helpful I think. I might be bais though.

Body Type:

What does your character's physical build look like? Pick 1-2, which is how you picture the outline of their body as if they were just a shadow.

[athletic] ◘ [average height] ◘ [barrel-chested] ◘ [beefy] ◘ [big] ◘ [bony] ◘ [Bowlegged] ◘ [brawny] ◘ [broad-shouldered] ◘ [built] ◘ [bulky] ◘ [burly] ◘ [chiseled] ◘ [chubby] ◘ [chunky] ◘ [coltish] ◘ [compact] ◘ [Curvy] ◘ [emaciated] ◘ [fat] ◘ [fit] ◘ [flabby] ◘ [full-figured] ◘ [gangling] ◘ [gaunt] ◘ [generous] ◘ [heavy / heavy-set] ◘ [Herculean] ◘ [hourglass] ◘ [hulking] ◘ [lanky] ◘ [large] ◘ [lean] ◘ [leggy / long-legged] ◘ [lissome] ◘ [lithe] ◘ [lush] ◘ [muscular] ◘ [obese] ◘ [overweight] ◘ [petite] ◘ [plump] ◘ [plush] ◘ [portly] ◘ [pot-bellied] ◘ [powerful] ◘ [pudgy] ◘ [rangy] ◘ [ripped] ◘ [ropy] ◘ [rounded] ◘ [short] ◘ [sinewy] ◘ [skinny] ◘ [slender] ◘ [slim] ◘ [sloping shoulders] ◘ [solid] ◘ [spare] ◘ [stocky] ◘ [stout] ◘ [strapping] ◘ [stringy] ◘ [sturdy] ◘ [taut] ◘ [thick] ◘ [thin] ◘ [tiny] ◘ [toned] ◘ [trim] ◘ [voluptuous] ◘ [willowy] ◘ [wiry]

Face – Structure

It's time for that face!

[angular cheekbones]◘[broad forehead]◘[catlike]◘[chiseled]◘[cleft chin]◘[craggy]◘[dimple in chin] ◘[double chin]◘ [elongated]◘ [heart-shaped]◘[high cheekbones]◘[high forehead]◘ [hollow cheeks]◘ [jowly]◘ [jutting chin]◘ [narrow]◘[oblong]◘ [oval]◘[pointed chin]◘[prominent brow ridge]◘ [protruding brow bone]◘[receding chin]◘[round]◘ [sculpted]◘[sharp cheekbones]◘ [soft]◘ [square]◘ [square jaw]◘[weak chin]◘[wolfish]


[aquiline (hooked)]◘ [broad]◘ [bulbous]◘ [button]◘ [crooked]◘ [dainty]◘ [flared]◘ [hawk]◘ [long]◘ [pointed]◘ [Roman]◘[snub]◘[straight]◘[strong]◘ [thin]◘ [turned-up]


◘[chapped]◘[cracked]◘[Cupid’s bow]◘[dry]◘[full]◘[gap between teeth] ◘[gleaming white teeth]◘ [glossy]◘[lush]◘[moist]◘ [narrow] [overbite]◘[Painted]◘[Pierced]◘[Pouty]◘[rosebud]◘[straight teeth]◘[thin]◘[underbite]

Eyes: Shape

[beady]◘ [birdlike]◘ [bleary]◘[bright]◘[bulging]◘[cat-like]◘[close-set]◘ [cloudy]◘ [deep-set]◘[dull]◘[flecked]◘[fringed with long lashes]◘[glittering]◘[hard]◘[heavy-lidded]◘[hooded]◘ [jewel-like]◘ [large]◘ [narrow]◘[protruding]◘ [red-rimmed]◘[rheumy]◘[round]◘[sharp]◘ [small]◘[sparkling]◘[squinty]◘[steely]◘[sunken]◘ [wide]◘[wide-set]◘[with sweeping eyelashes]◘ [with thick eyelashes]

Skin- Fur - Scale - Whateves's Appearance


◘ [baby-soft] ◘ [blemished] ◘ [bruised] ◘ [clear] ◘ [delicate] ◘ [dewy] ◘ [dimpled] ◘ [doughy] ◘ [drooping] ◘ [dry] ◘ [dull] ◘ [firm] ◘ [flaky] ◘ [flawless] ◘ [freckled] ◘ [fuzzy] ◘ [glowing] ◘ [leathery] ◘ [lined] ◘ [loose] ◘ [luminescent] ◘ [mottled] ◘ [pimply] ◘ [pitted] ◘ [pockmarked] ◘ [poreless] ◘ [raw] ◘ [rough] ◘ [sagging] ◘ [satiny] ◘ [scaly] ◘ [scarred] ◘ [scratched] ◘ [seamed] ◘ [silken] ◘ [smooth] ◘ [sunburned] ◘ [Tattooed] ◘ [thin] ◘ [translucent] ◘ [uneven] ◘ [veined] ◘ [velvety] ◘ [weather-beaten] ◘ [with large pores] ◘ [wrinkled]

Skin Markings

[Bleeding] ◘ [Branded] ◘ [Fresh] ◘ [Long furred] ◘ [Oozing] ◘ [Raised] ◘ [Scarred] ◘ [Silken fur] ◘ [Stretched]


[Artistic] ◘ [Black and grey tattoo style] ◘ [Blackwork tattoo style] ◘ [Cartoon] ◘ [Classic Americana tattoo.] ◘ [Clean] ◘ [Detailed] ◘ [Faded] ◘ [Japanese tattoo style.] ◘ [New school tattoo style.] ◘ [Portraiture tattoo] ◘ [Realism tattoo.] ◘ [Spanning across__] ◘ [Stick and poke tattoo.] ◘ [Swirling] ◘ [Tribal] ◘ [Vibrant]


[Burn scar] ◘ [Cutting scars] ◘ [Deep gouges] ◘ [Fine line] ◘ [Rasied scar] ◘ [Round bullet scar] ◘ [Whip marks] ◘ [Ear torn]

Hair - Appearance

[Afro]◘[bald]◘ [bedhead]◘ [bob]◘[bouncy]◘[braids]◘[bushy]◘[buzzed / buzz cut]◘[clipped]◘[comb-over]◘[corkscrews]◘ [crewcut]◘ [cropped]◘ [curly]◘ [dry]◘ [dull]◘[fine]◘ [frizzy]◘ [full]◘ [glossy]◘ [greasy]◘ [lanky]◘[layers]◘ [limp] ◘[long] ◘[loose]◘ [luminous]◘ [lustrous]◘ [Luxuriant]◘[messy] ◘[mullet]◘ [neatly combed]◘[oily]◘ [parted]◘[ringlets]◘[shaggy]◘[shaved]◘ [shiny]◘ [short]◘[shoulder-length]◘ [sleek]◘[slicked down / slicked back] ◘[smooth]◘ [spiky]◘[spirals]◘ [Straggly]◘[straight]◘[stringy]◘ [tangled]◘[thick]◘[Thinning]◘[tousled]◘ [unkempt]◘ [untamed]◘[voluminous]◘ [wavy]◘[widow’s peak]◘[wild]◘[windblown]◘[wispy

Facial Hair

[a few days’ growth of beard]◘[beard]◘[clean-shaven]◘ [five o’ clock shadow]◘[goatee]◘[moustache]◘[mutton-chop sideburns]◘ [neckbeard]◘[sideburns]◘[smooth-shaven]◘[stubble]

Excellent! You picks some so let me pick a few and show you what them combos might look like. So here We go I am going to do 5 random by dice roll by category... Wish me luck, and may the gods of character buildings have mercy on my writer's soul. Because these 5 will be with us for the rest of this course.

  • My selection 1
  • Bowlegged and Gangly • Bruised Skin • Luminous- Hair • Straight teeth • Sharp eyes • Straight nose
  • Selection 2
  • powerful but pudgy build • Cupid’s bow- lips • Tattooed - skin _ Classic Americana tattoo • layers- hair • button nose
  • Pick number 3
  • fit and willowy build • glossy- lips • dimpled - skin • frizzy- hair • bulbous - nose
  • Pick 4
  • broad-shouldered with an hourglass figure • Pierced -lips • weather-beaten - skin • mullet - hair • hawk - nose
  • Pick number five
  • solid and ripped build • gap between teeth • freckled- skin • widow’s peak • snub - nose

Well hell, Don't those look like horrid character profiles, this would not meet limits for even the creation of a profile Thank goodness we can turn all of these into a paragraph about how this character looks! Let's see how that changes how this reads shall we?

  • 1) Bowlegged and Gangly • Bruised Skin • Luminous- Hair • Straight teeth • Sharp eyes • Straight nose
  • A lanky, gangling teenage boy with a slender, bruised, and gangly physique, his skin bearing the marks of recent scuffles and scraps. Despite this, his eyes shine with a fierce intelligence and determination, sharp and piercing beneath a shock of luminous, unruly hair that seems to dance around his face. A straight nose sits atop his pale, boyish features, contrasting with his bowlegged stance as he stands confidently. Despite his beayen looks he flashes his white teeth with a hint of a mischievous grin, as if daring the world to challenge him further. It's clear that this young man has been through his fair share of hardships.
  • Ut5fny.png
  • 2) powerful but pudgy build • Cupid’s bow- lips • Tattooed - skin _ Classic Americana tattoo • layers- hair • button nose
  • A striking and powerful figure of a woman, Her body is adorned with a well-worn leather jacket, revealing a strong yet pudgy build that defies stereotypes. Her arms are covered in tattoos, showcasing a classic Americana style that seems to tell stories of her past adventures. A pair of baggy jeans hug her thighs and calves, accentuating her muscular legs. Her feet are planted firmly on the ground, with worn-out black boots that have seen their fair share of miles.
  • L0vGxq.png
  • 3) fit and willowy build • glossy- lips • dimpled - skin • frizzy- hair • bulbous - nose
  • A whimsical and carefree woman with an arresting, fit and willowy build. Her long, glossy-lipped mouth and dimpled skin are accentuated by her petite stature, exuding an alluring charm. The woman's hair is frizzy and unruly, a mass of curls that seem to defy any attempt at taming, further emphasizing her carefree and playful nature. Despite her petite frame, her bulbous nose dominates her face, adding a touch of endearing uniqueness to her otherwise alluring appearance.
  • t8YU9Q.png
  • 4) broad-shouldered with an hourglass figure • Pierced -lips • weather-beaten - skin • mullet - hair • hawk - nose
  • A weather-beaten woman, her broad shoulders and hourglass figure accentuated by the billowing cloak around her. Her pierced lips curl into a sinister grin, revealing a hint of her gold tooth. Her long, wild mullet hair flows freely in the wind, whipping around her face and framing her distinctive hawk nose.
  • 17dneN.png
  • 5) solid and ripped build • gap between teeth • freckled- skin • widow’s peak • snub - nose
  • A handsome man with a solid and ripped build, possessing a gap between his teeth and freckled-skin that contrasts beautifully with his dark hair and deep brown eyes. His snub nose and widow's peak are prominent features on his face, adding character and personality to his strong, masculine appearance.
  • hehjYH.png

Well colors of course I added in colors with the descriptions of what I felt would be right, Colors are also hella important but.. ya know I think we know our colors, but if you want a color chart/list let me know I can add it in. But this concludes the very basics of building appearances, as well as turning the basic concept into a full picture of a character image. Additionally all these are made with AI a free site thats lets you create a few pictures a day. I did edit them to string three together that were closest to the given description.

Next class
Personalities and jobs - vocabulary
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