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Personalities and jobs - vocabulary

Putting generic thoughts of a character into a solid character build

Turning some simple idea's into a paragraph can be tricky but once you learn how it is really rather easy, and once you have that down, you will find that it becomes a natural reaction, and your writing will be forever improved for it! So let's talk about how this happens for a moment.

  • Find that you want to focus on your key points and write them down.
  • Grow around those keywords adding a sentence with those words within, then another describing what that means (if the word is above a 8th grade reading level)
  • Do this for each focal word you want to work on sliding in additional details to bind your thoughts together growing your writing around it.
  • This may feel strange at first, but after awhile this will happen in your head and not on the screen and you will not have to write out all the steps!
  • Below is how I would do it.

Turning the simple idea's of a character into a paragraph of who the character is. For this I will use the chosen Six from the course on personality and job terms.

  • 1) Bowlegged and Gangly • Bruised Skin • Luminous- Hair • Straight teeth • Sharp eyes • Straight nose
  • New Rolls: Purposeful Well-read Chummy Impulsive | Youth - Jobless
  • Appearance: A young adolescent boy's typical bowlegged and gangly build, with long limbs that stretch in every direction. His skin is bruised from constant play and roughhousing with his friends, but it only serves to add to his boyish charm. His most striking feature is his luminous hair, which glows with a soft, iridescent light, reflecting every color of the rainbow. His straight teeth and sharp eyes are framed by his straight nose, giving him an air of innocence and curiosity.
  • Personality: he is impulsive and chummy young man who loves to be around others. He's always up for a good time, whether it's playing tag in the park or engaging in discussions about literature. His well-read nature has made him quite knowledgeable and purposeful, often correcting his friends' grammar or offering insights into books they've read. Despite his youth, he has a deep sense of empathy and is always willing to lend a helping hand.
  • Ut5fny.png
  • 2) powerful but pudgy build • Cupid’s bow- lips • Tattooed - skin _ Classic Americana tattoo • layers- hair • button nose
  • Animal Collector/Monster Collector – collects and deals in rare and exotic animals and monsters.
  •  [Hardworking] [Perceptive] [Reserved] [Indulgent]
  • Appearance: A big woman with a powerful but pudgy build. Her skin is adorned with a vibrant, classic Americana tattoo that covers most of her arms and parts of her chest. She has layers upon layers of dark brown curls that cascade down her shoulders and frame her face. Her features are rounded and soft, with a button nose and full lips that curl into a Cupid's bow. Despite her size, she carries herself with an air of confidence and strength.
  • Personality: A hardworking and perceptive individual who has made a name for herself in the unique field of Animal Collector She's reserved and tends to keep to herself, but she has a deep love for her rare and exotic creatures. She is indulgent when it comes to caring for her animals, going above and beyond to ensure they are well taken care of. She's also known to be quite resourceful, using her knowledge of different species to her advantage in both her work and personal life.L0vGxq.png
  • 3) fit and willowy build • glossy- lips • dimpled - skin • frizzy- hair • bulbous - nose
  • Extortioner – extorts money from someone by threatening to expose embarrassing information about them.
  • [Anticipative] [Forgiving] [Effeminate] [Imprudent]
  • Appearance: With a willowy build, with glossy lips that are often pursed in a knowing smile. Her skin is dimpled and creamy, giving her an endearing appearance even when she's being devious. Her hair, a frizzy mess of red curls, falls in unruly waves around her face, framing her large, bulbous nose. She often dresses in expensive, yet understated clothing to maintain an air of sophistication.
  • Personality: an anticipative extortioner, always thinking several steps ahead. She's forgiving and understanding when dealing with people who owe her money, but can be quite imprudent with her threats, often revealing too much information about her targets. Despite this, her charm and quick wit often help her manipulate people into giving her what she wants.t8YU9Q.png
  • 4) broad-shouldered with an hourglass figure • Pierced -lips • weather-beaten - skin • mullet - hair • hawk - nose
  • Duelist – skilled in one-on-one combat.
  • [Studious] [Idealistic] [Irreligious] [Rowdy]
  • Appearance: A broad-shouldered figure, an hourglass shape that is emphasized by her well-toned muscles. Her weather-beaten skin, a result of years spent training in the harsh outdoors, contrasts sharply with her piercing blue eyes. Her long, unkempt mullet hair often falls over her face, Her most striking feature, however, is her hawk-like nose, which gives her an intimidating yet elegant appearance. Rings curled into the corner of her lips sparkle as she speaks to her people.
  • Personality: a complex character who balances several seemingly contradictory traits. She is studious and idealistic, constantly seeking to improve her combat skills and perfect her technique. However, she is also irreligious and rowdy, enjoying the company of rough crowds and engaging in drunken brawls. This dichotomy has made her something of an enigma in the world of dueling, where she is both revered and feared for her unpredictability.
  • Character Background: She comes from a long line of duelists, and from a young age, she was trained in the art of one-on-one combat. As she grew older, she developed a reputation as a skilled and fearless fighter, often traveling from town to town to challenge anyone who dared to question her abilities. Along the way, she picked up the nickname "The Hawk," due to her piercing blue eyes and hawk-like nose. Despite her successes, Rhea remains restless and unfulfilled, always searching for a greater challenge or a purpose beyond mere dueling.17dneN.png
  • 5) solid and ripped build • gap between teeth • freckled- skin • widow’s peak • snub - nose
  • Wanderer
  • [Dignified] [Witty] [Solitary] [Plodding]
  • Appearance: This man has a solid and ripped build, with a snub nose that always seems to be slightly upturned at the end, as if he's about to smile or joke about something. His freckled-skin is usually covered in a thin layer of sweat, whether he's hiking through the woods or cooking up a storm in his tiny cabin. He has piercing green eyes, and a widow's peak that only adds to his somewhat melancholic, yet dignified appearance. His teeth are perfectly straight, except for a tiny gap between his front teeth that only adds to his charm and wittiness.
  • Personality: a man of few words, preferring solitude and the peacefulness of nature. He's very introspective and thoughtful, often lost in his own thoughts as he goes about his daily routine. Despite his quiet demeanor, he's quick-witted and enjoys making people laugh with his dry sense of humor. He values hard work and self-sufficiency, as shown by his choice to live off the land in a remote cabin. He is also quite compassionate and understanding, always willing to lend a listening ear or share a slice of his homemade pie with those in need.
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