Other words for Said

Said is a helpful term, but it is too often overused. It can even be somewhat jarring to see it in the wrong area. Let's check out other words we can use instead to focus on purpose, energy, and emotions within the scene, adding some extra life to a pile of dialog. We will build more on dialogue later; this is just a reservoir of terms from which to pull.

"But why? 'Said' is a perfectly valid word to use, I have seen it in many books!" said the class clown annoyed that now they were going to have to read more in this stupid class. 
"That's true, but would you call those conversations engaging?" The teacher said turning to her class and chuckling savoring this banter. 
"But... it's just my opinion. There is no right or wrong with opinions, so we shouldn't have extra reading for it," Said the class clown his voice rising desperately to prove their point. 
"Thats true enough, however writing with personality and depth requires you to showcase more with each word you use, how does using the same word over and over achieve that?" Said the teacher a bit more seriously turning to wait for an answer. 
"I write what I feel in the dialogue what difference does it make how I choose to end it?" He said growing angry.  
A soft sigh escaped the teacher "It may not, let's see if there is a difference in the next paragraph" she said. as she turned from the class and towards the screen with a mischievous smirk towards the reader.

--Let's try that again --

"But why? 'Said' is a perfectly valid word to use, I have seen it in many books!" called the class clown, annoyed that now they were going to have to read more in this stupid class.
"That's true, but would you call those conversations engaging?" the teacher retorted, turning to her class chuckling and savoring this banter.
"But... it's just my opinion. There is no right or wrong with opinions, so we shouldn't have extra reading for it," countered the class clown, desperate to prove their point.
"That's true enough. However, writing with personality and depth requires you to showcase more with each word you use. How does using the same word over and over achieve that?" inquired the teacher, turning to wait for an answer a soft smile now on her lips.
"I write what I feel in the dialogue. What difference does it make how i choose to end it?" he hissed, growing angry. A soft sigh escaped the teacher, and she shook her head lightly.
"I wonder did it make a difference in this paragraph dear readers?" she chimed with a smirk before turning from her class and staring ominously through the fourth wall.


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