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Post Perspectives

Post perspective: There are two main tense people Roleplay with The first and The third person.

  • First Person& Second: These two go hand in hand.  means that you much prefer writing as if you were the character saying and performing actions, and speaking to opposing characters like they were in front of your physical body.
  • I, Me, You
  • Third Person Is written as if you are writing a story about your character, and are writing a book about their actions and words.
  • "He,She, They"

People can be VERY specific on which they prefer, so keep that in mind as you choose which type to go with.

The most common type for writing stories and in turn the most common for the multi para and up area of writing is third person. This is because the third person offers a lot more flexibility, as it allows better use of the omnipotent point of view when the time comes for such a thing to happen in a story.

Omnipotent - This a god view, meaning allowing both writers to see things happening beyond their characters, beyond the current scene. This is useful for back building events, or getting a scene ready for and upcoming shift in the story. 

The third person is generally considered more serious and focused storytelling.

Second/ First.

I will be honest I don't know much of this, as I for one had never written in, or been willing to write with people in the first person, it disengages me from the story. But if anyone wants to help me with this I would appreciate it <3

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