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*Dark, warm and it felt like the world was rocking back and forth. Alice Rieper found herself in some kind of container, she wasn't alone either. With her were many other people all crammed together inside this tight prison. Some people were panicking, some were quiet, some were knocked out cold. Looking down at herself, Alice was not only clothed but fully armed...all of her weapons and gadgets were on her person. Though she was unsure if anyone else besides her had a weapon. The lack of light made it difficult to make out any details. But one thing she could tell is that no one was bound. Suddenly, sunlight bled at the end of the of large box she was in. Everyone was ushered outside. After being dragged out, it was clear who had abducted all of them. A group of half human half animal hybrids that call themselves Wild Hunt. After her eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight, they were on a ship, and it looked like they were heading toward an island. There were signs of buildings on the island but other than that, it was mostly wilderness with a white sandy beach at the edge. One by one more and more hostages were taken to the deck of the ship, lined up...then pushed into the water. The more aquatic hybrids jumping after them. Now it was clear what was going on...this was a hunt. Before it was Alice's turn, the beasts all drew closer to her. One that looked to be the leader. A large man that looked like a lion, a large mane framed his animal like face as he drew near. His lips curled into a toothy grin, showing off her large fangs in the process.* "Alice Rieper." *He growled now towering over the blonde haired assassin.* "The infamous assassin, the Grim Reaper, these titles your enemies and allies are...meaningless to us." *He spoke in a mocking tone.* "To us...you are nothing but prey. To be hunted and your head claimed as a trophy." *He continued to boast. He knew Alice would not fight being so vastly outnumbered by so many powerful opponents.* "Let the hunt...begin." *With that, Alice received a swift kick to her center, sending her flying into the salt water below. This was no assassination mission. This was a mission of survival. Pushing herself past the pain...Alice swam with all her strength toward the island. The hunters were already coming for her.*