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Im absolutely furious

    • "Have you considered... Murder?"

      • If only

      • What happened?

        • I am one of the people in charge of opening the store but instead of doing that I need to clean up 3rds mess.

          • Oof. 3rd shifters suck. Sorry :(

            • They really do. Besides opening duties, I run a department 80% by myself and the 3rd shift manager things she is helping me by making them do my frieght. No. They don't help. They don't do it right and I brought it up before but what do I know? Probably can't do any department work today either them I'm gonna get chewed our for there being a mess.

            • Ugh that sucks to hear hun, but you can do it. Although it is not supposed to be like that...

              • Its not. But I pick up the slack and then some because I make sure shot gets done

                • 💓 1
              • Light them on fire

                • If only I could

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