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I hate depression

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    • And there is no obvious answer for it either..~ Hang in there! Use whoever you can for support to help you through it;

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      • I know right? Just sucks when it's people you know that make you depressed

        • That definitely isn't making it any easier. Yeah; no easy solution for that other than the passage of time

          • It just sucks and its so hard

          • Been there alot in the past. If you ever need to talk, your beloved is here for you, Hinata. I hope you can feel better soon my dear.

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            • I understand but know that I'm here regardless for you. ❤❤❤

              • I know you are and I appreciate it sweetie. It means a lot

                • 💓 1
                • There's a reason why I'm your Bull.

                • Hun don't be depressed we got your back love and enjoy your weekend to. 💕

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                  • I will try and th same for you.

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