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Howdy hey peeps!

So as mentioned early on in this week, I plan to adding the NSFW rule back into our list of rules. Though this time around it's not going to be as demanding as the previous iteration of it. In that sense, we're not going to require comments to be marked as such, looking back at it, that was a little extra.

Where the content filter settings are available is where the rule will need to be followed, such as status updates, but in terms of status updates, should only be assigned the NSFW filter if the status links to material that is NSFW (such as linking to e621, rule34, etc...), words alone will not warrant a NSFW tag.

In terms of photos/albums, pretty much if any privates are exposed, will need the NSFW tag. In the case of an album, even if it's just one image in the album and the rest of SFW, the entire album will need to be set to NSFW.

Fetish driven content that's not exactly sexual by nature, such as oversized breasts, oversized thighs, tight clothing, etc, will not be required to be assigned the NSFW filter. As for your profile covers and pictures, those are being left untouched. If someone wants to go to that extreme to avoid NSFW, they can just make use of the block button on NSFW profiles, but in terms of browsing the site, I want to at least allow some form of control over viewing SFW and NSFW content for the end-user and not just have it all out there.

As of this status, the rule is not up in our rules, as this is only the announcement of what's to come, I have discussed this with staff and I'm giving everyone 2 weeks from this announcement to go through and audit their content to make sure things are set correctly. Soooo come 9/20/24, the rule will be added and enforced.

As stated in the "pre-announcement", this status will also serve as a place to ask your questions about the dos and don'ts or just to squash any confusion you may have. Plan to try my best to make this a very easy transition for folks.

    • All seems straight forward, though one question just so I understand, when you say tag, that just means selecting which audience its aimed at, right?

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      • That is correct, from the drop down menu.

        • Awesome, just keep doing what I've been doing since I signed on here, Cheers!

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        • I personally always generally always marked NSFW as a whole especially when it came to an album just to be safe.

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          • It's always the safe route when unsure, but hopefully this explanation makes it a little more clear. If not just lemme know and I'll try to answer any questions.

          • Pretty self explanatory Zenzen, if unsure mark it as NSFW simple, locked in the O'l skull dome

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            • Glad to hear! I know I'm garbage half the time at explaining things.

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              • All good G, you're better than my old boss at explaining stuff

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              • So, as long as the album is marked NSFW, you can have the NSFW and SFW pics in there mixed and it isn't an issue? The SFW just won't be shown to folks who don't want to see the NSFW album?

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                • That is correct, you can have SFW within a NSFW album, those images just won't be viewable by people who have NSFW toggled off as it blocks off the whole album.

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                  • Thank you! I just needed clarification because I got confused. I appreciate you.

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