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Hey guys! I have a Question if I can steal a moment of your time!

What song or songs have you been obsessed with recently?

For me it's been the new "Wisdom Saga" Album for Epic: The Musical's opener song "Legendary".

    • I've been listening to Haunted by Arankai, Take Me Back To Eden and The Night Belongs To You by Sleep Token

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      • I actually loved listening to Take Me Back To Eden!

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      • I'm an oddball, my favourite song is not even in English. Its called Beezelbuzz sung by Fake type, the song basically describes the internet to a T of how toxic and dangerous it can be, been listening to it non-stop for a while now.

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        • Oooh! I too am a pretty big Fake Type fan! I personally have been enjoying "魔崇華麗奴" and "GO ON YA WAY" to a point where I downloaded and started playing Goonya Monsters and made sure to get their Fake Type/Dyes/TopHatHam DLC for it! Gotta love their hybrid and iconic style!

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          • OH OH AND I CAN'T FORGET "Managarmr" with Kankan!

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          • God Games from epic the musical specific the part where Ares comes in 🥲 its been stuck in my head.

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            • It's currently on a loop in my head 😈 "Really Athena?? These Old Tricks-"

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                • I'mma say One Beer by MF Doom and Gilgamesh by Seraphine Noir.

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                  • Yes yes yes!!

                  • It's for me been a 4 way tie, all from the same Anime Series, Cardifght Vanguard Will+Dress S3 opening The Last Resort by Gyroaxia, DivineZ's 1st op Kirifuda/Trump card by V.W.P and the last 2 both by Sutopuri/Strawberry Prince, Will+Dress S2 OP Accelerate and DivineZ S2 op Shukumei, and fun fact, first episode of S2 of DivineZ has an animation error with in it's Opening

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