Feed Item

Hello all, so we have been noticing lately there has been quite a few people who are just making accounts then like 3-7 days later they have been deleting said character only to make a new one entirely. While we understand that you wish to make new characters a lot, 25 characters are able to be made. With this being said if this tends to be very constant we will suspend the account out right. We don't want the new character feature constantly being abused for the use of popularity. This will also include if your making the same character entirely this doesn't mean the people who accidentally delete their account yes this has happened we won't mention names it's human nature. With that being said we wish everyone a great day!

    • Glad this is being addressed, need everyone to be reminded how this kind of action was what cost the new members section back in the days of RPT? Nothing irks people more than discussing a story, posting a starter only for the recipient to log off for the day coming back to find your message gone and the very same character you were talking to has reappeared, same character and info, its annoying, disheartening and hurts way more than just being deleted of the friends list

      • 4
      • Has been happening to me a good deal, as of late. We're all (presumably) adults here, so you figure people would just communicate normally.

        • I've been wondering about something related to this. Is there a confirmation when hitting the delete button asking if you're sure you want to delete your profile/account or does it do it instantly?

          • You are prompted with this, takes you to a whole new page on your profile with a checkbox and Submit button.

            • Oh okay, my second question is there also a thing that automatically deletes you if you don't come on for a certain amount of time?

              • Helps to partake in community polls if you have theses questions that's already been placed on the table.


                • 1
              • I see more inactive/dead accounts after a few weeks.

                • I had a question about this... What if they are just making new accounts and keeping their old ones? Does this fall under the same flag? I know a person with quite a few accounts because she brainstorms new characters and makes them in the moment a little more regularly than most other people.

                  • https://roleplays.io/cmts-view/y8cysz?sys=bx_timeline&cmt_id=56674 review this comment, with the context in mind of your question. You will find your answer.

                    • 1
                    • Gotcha thank you for the clarification. It is much appreciated!

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