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Deep within the forest, far away from any city, towns or settlements was a single building. Built in the middle of dense foliage and settled near a lake. This structure was two stories tall and was made in a way to blend into the nature around it. This was not only a home but a hideaway from any perusers that might be after Alice Rieper. The hideout had electricity, food, water, and comfort. The only thing it didn't have was internet as that could be used to track her down. That also means there was no TV either. For entertainment, Alice kept a stockpile of movies and collections of TV shows. This helped passed the time whenever she needed to stay in her hideout for more than a day. Alice has various safehouses and "homes" around her line of work, however this one specifically was homier than the others, and the one she prefers to stay in the most. Secluded, quiet and comfy. The perfect place she can go to when she needs to unwind should she need it.