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"Wooooww! It actually still fits!" She grinned to herself

    • ~Coughs and sputters on the drink he had just taken.~ “I…Wow….It sure does Chi-Chi.”

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      • "I know right!" Grin returning once more she struck a pose. "Does it really looks like it fits me like it used too?"

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        • ~He watched her pose and gulped as he looked her up and down.~ “Well you are obviously…bigger than you where as a child, BUT I think it looks better than it used to!…You really grew into this sort of look!”

          • Confused on what he meant, ChiChi just stared at him and blinked for what seemed like forever until she finally shrugged and ran off. Calling out for Goku

          • "That is incredible, Chi-Chi. I didn't think it would fit either. You've been looking at that outfit for awhile in your closet." The old man said with a wide grin, his eyes clearly glued to two, giant, spots. "It certainly brings back a lot of memories." Chuckling, Roshi raised his hand and gently squeezed one of her breasts as if testing the armor. "Yup, still as firm as ever."

            • In just a split second ChiChi's smile disappeared and was quickly replaced by anger. "Grr HANDS OFF PERVERT!" She yelled while giving him an upper cut so hard she sent him flying

              • As he was sent flying, Roshi chuckled. "She loves me."

                • "Damned old man.." she muttered to herself while storming off. Only return dressed in her normal attire if her Chinese dress and red pants underneath

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