Comment to 'Something legit baffling: why do we not see Kartika knives as of...'
  • Dismembering corpses was very much under what I meant with not being wielded as weapons. As it's not a living being being the target by them. They also seem like they wouldn't be as efficient unless if poisoned or something.

    Not opposing them being seen more; just they aren't exactly ordinary weaponry, or more specifically they weren't designed for it. That's why they aren't being utilized more, I wager. You'll need to be a ritualistic lunatic to use them in a real battle!

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    • ... or have them more exposed to people. As an example, scythes are hardly used as weapons, but ever since they got caught in the collective imagine of death, we have them everywhere.

      It's why I have Yami use one, it's a striking imagine as an exorcism weapon (of course, it's properly sharpened unlike the one I show)

      • I say scythes is a bad example. Scythes have after all been actual weapons in proper history, unlike Kartifa knives. That makes them mutually exclusive as an example. How it's used now does not change how it's been used in the past. Plus scythes look actually threatening.

        I personally don't think it's a lack of exposure that's reasoning for them not being used as weapons. I think it's their very appearance that makes them look remarkably unimpresisve as anything but a ritual object. But nice that you are using it for Yami still!