Comment to '// 🤔 got this idea while drinking a mango shake, might pursue it...'
  • That sounds like a fun rp idea. It reminds me of an anime that the main oc drinks this black substance what he calls Substance X, where he loses his sexual impulses unknowingly, it makes his stats increase massively.

    • Reminds me of this one where the mc does that to girls and his stats increase when they bang.... or was it both him and the girls? 🤔 Don't remember everything, just that lewd and illicit stuff with MC increased stats.

      Given Chiaki's little "Items created have an added effect" thing... who knows what'd happen with potions he makes or if potions even qualify for receiving that. Doesn't help he often doesn't read the added effect in his defense so... 🤷‍♂️ who knows what'd happen? lol

      • I would like to know that lewd anime might give me ideas haha. Who knows what will happen, the young guinea pig may like this side effects

        • It was a manga, but I don't remember the name or much outside of what I wrote. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bunch of doujins with the premise of either of what we posted.

          IK there's magic ones of this though.

          *insert character* drank one of Chiaki's potions and now has the strength of Scorpion(Marvel) for the next 15 minutes. 🤣