Chiaki Okura

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13 years ago

A wet sandpaper feeling brushed across his face. "Work was killer, five more minutes hun..." half asleep, he went to gently brush what he thought was his wife's hand. "Cheek kiss from you is eno-" He felt fur, rough course fur. Did she really just go out and get a dog while he slept?! He wanted to go with her to get a dog and she did it without him. His eyes shot open only to come face to face with a rather large bear. "... Why are you so huge?!" The shout frightened the bear away, but who did that feminine voice belong to? It totally overshadowed his own Baritone gravely voice. He looked around noticing some bushes shaking in the opposite direction of the rather large bear. What the absolute hell did that bear eat to get so big? He could swear it was bigger than the white bastards up north.

He got up and ran before the bear decided to come back wondering how the hell he even managed to wind up in the wilderness. If only he had a weapon or something in case the bear showed up again. What the hell? Not even a loose rock on the ground, this had to be some kind of stupid dream. That's what he gets for stealing a bite of whatever his wife was cooking for their romantic dinner when she wasn't looking. His body felt much lighter, but again, it is just a dream and that bear reminded him of that time a child was talking about a giant bear, but only turned out to be a normal sized bear. A smile crept across his face thinking he was having that memory from when he first started his position, but from the eyes of that kid. That must be it since everything's playing out exactly like that kid's story. That only meant he was about to see a younger version of himself, but instead, he saw a stone statue of some man in full armor with an axe.

This was... new? He remembered using an axe in his youth, but never using full armor. Did the kid back then see him as a knight? Flattering, but he was just a guy doing his job doing what he liked, protecting the people in the village who were all important to him, especially Maribelle. Stopping just in front of the statue, he looked beyond at the village, resting a moment as he gathered his thoughts and looked back at this dream. That giant bear had red fur now that he thought about it. "A red bear that smelled sweet with a bit of... I don't remember honey being around." He pat himself to check to see what he had on him, maybe he's living the kid's memories and will finally learn why he was in such a rush. Finding nothing, he continued this memory until he reached the old hag's house. "She's been a hag since I first met her, what was it now? 30... 40 years ago?" He approached the door and as he went to knock, the door swung open hitting his face causing pain.  Wait, pain? You don't feel pain in a dream so, was he really the kid he saw so long ago?! He quickly sat up rubbing his forehead to complain about the hag's opening the door, but saw a man he's never seen before. His eye burned as the man's glare was moved away from Hifume to an elderly man opening a carriage. He invertedly activated the god's eye skill and the man's name was all he could see before his own attention was called away by the hag village leader. He was called Munchkin... that was his son's nickname from the old woman. He got up and ran to the old woman, more to get away from that man than out of excitement to see her. Whatever just happened, he now knew that man was extremely dangerous with the amount of warning signs that popped up. "What's going on? Where's the village guard Hifume, where's Adoll the hunter, why isn't Hifume's wife Faife around?" A confused look appeared on the old woman's face as she lowered herself to eye level making sure to keep her voice low. "Child, there's no one here by those names. Are you lost?" A look of shock overcame Hifume's face as only the old woman was here, but it made no sense, those two should be here as well as the past version of himself. He looked around before turning to the old woman. "I..." He chose to use the name of his first born son until he could figure out what was happening. "I don't know. I woke up in the forest and there was this big red bear licking my face. I ran away when it got distracted and came here."

Three years later:

He learned quite a few things from the old woman, this world was similar to his own, but different in some aspects. A skill ceremony was also conducted to identify your skills, but unlike where he came from, people put a lot of emphasis on skills that were considered useful. The hag, his adoptive mother took him to the church far from the village to get his skills discovered. Most of the kids in the crowd got skills they were excited about and he didn't pay much attention, but he did hear complaints of useless skills. It reminded him when he got his, Defense, it was considered worthless, but that was usually because almost none of the people with it ever tried to figure it out and only went into making shields causing it to be believed to only work on shields made by the skill holder. The truth was, it was any item or being can be given a defensive barrier, but unknown to nearly all, the barriers could be used offensively. That was something he discovered by accident when he was chased by a tiger and accidentally slammed a barrier into the tiger much to both of their confusion. His turn was up and like before, he was told he had the defense skill and as some of the other children began to mock him, it was revealed he had a second skill, production which everyone called a lie and he was trying to protect that guy with the worthless skill since everyone can learn to defend themselves. The hag was escorted away with Chiaki and his adoptive mother spoke with officials for several hours until they came to a conclusion, something to this day, he doesn't know the details of. What he did know was that he was to remain quiet about the production skill until his 18th birthday. He did keep the promise and not tell anyone, but he never said he wouldn't practice it and he did with scraps he found around the village and with monster materials. There would often be suspicious people snooping around peering into the village from afar so, at the leader's request he'd dress like a girl to hide being the boy they were looking for.

Current day:

He kept his silence, but the only person he spoke to about production was her. With a smile he waved to her and went on his way to find out who those men that kept showing up at the outskirts of the village were and why were they so focused on him. "Take care and remember to not leave the clothes out in the rain anymore. I won't be home to bring them in for you anymore." He looked back at her as he slung his bag full of supplies over his shoulder. Once he left, he'd have full reign to experiment with this production stuff. "You're my son, no matter what your past before our meeting was." What she said as he turned to leave his new home for an unknown amount of time gave him pause. It made him hesitate leaving, his own mother never said such to him, but he forced himself to leave. "I feel the same, you'll always be my mother no matter your past. You raised me and I am forever thankful for that." He ran back and the two shared a long embrace before he kissed the elderly elf's cheek and ran off to find the answers he put on hold for his life with her.

BY THE GODS SOME OF THESE WOMEN ARE HUGE! - Chiaki, mentally when he found himself in a village of women ranging from 9-17 feet tall.

Reincarnated into an alternate version of his world, a more dangerous version of his world

Original Name: Okura Kurumi

Original Occupation: Village Guard (captain), Royal guard(formerly)

Original primary skillset: Defensive

New name: Okura Chiaki 

New Occupation: None (currently), Scout(formerly)

New primary Skillset: Production + Defensive

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// 🤔 got this idea while drinking a mango shake, might pursue it... not sure yet

A roleplay between Chiaki and a magic user who agrees to be the tester for potions he makes while he tries to figure out one that can recover magic to max that didn't "Make your lips pucker more than a butt".

The potions he's making you can buy in the stores in his world, but not only are they very expensive, they are also famously ungodly bitter.

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is the weekend here yet? I want to sleep pass 4am already... lol

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