Comment to '1. Claims to not be great with discussion. Prefer to skip it. 2....'
  • I can get behind either a good discussion or something random that had sparked from some conversation prior to starting.

    The thing is how people often ask you to do something; later ignore your attempts and disappear or turn their back, remove/ block as if they never knew you.

    At that point, why waste each other's time when you didn't have a true interest in the first place...

    People these days have a serious problem with RP. Expecting a lot out of the other, wanting to do very little, or even some just wanting to grind their rocks into some hot, steamy cyber sex with, as said by favoritisim, their favorite anime characters or OCs, and you're left as a third, fourth, fifth option when all else fails. It's insane and really puts me off as it seems no one genuinely wants to get something exciting.

    • πŸ’“ 2
    • Bingo, you get me on what I'm saying. Throughout my years of RPing people used to follow the golden rules of roleplay. But now, not anymore. I just see the state of RPing getting worst. Not just here but also anirp, Facebook, twitter, almost everywhere.

      It just sucks. X.x

      • 1
      • There was definitely a better time but now it's become a cesspool of wanting it to be mostly 18-21+ RPs, often asking for some sort of erotica, be after story, some want it immediately. Even places like FB, Ani, places where RP is a thing tend to move in that direction.

        It is a shame but... what can we do.