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Violet "Vi"ย was born in the Underground city ofย Zaunย where she was raised by her parents and grew up alongside her younger sisterย ย 

ย Powder. As children, they shared a bed together and played a game where they pretended to be scary monsters, Vi often got carried away causing Powder to get scared. Vi comforted her little sister by saying that no monster would ever take her as long as she was around.ย 

One day, Vi and Powder walked along a bridge and witnessed the devastation of a failed uprising againstย Piltover. Tragically they discovered their parents were killed byย 

ย Enforcers, leaving them heartbroken. The orphans were both discovered and adopted byย 

ย Vander. This traumatic event caused Vi to develop a hatred against the Enforcers and Piltover as a whole.ย 

Vi is extremely protective of Powder, often defending her clumsiness against fellow adopted sibling Mylo. A natural brute, she often settles matters with her fists than her head.


Discontent with the state of the undercity, Vi believes the topsiders are selfish and evil. Vi could not understand why Vander prohibited the Undercity from burglarizing Piltover; especially since Piltover was a city of abundance and would send Enforcers to intrude in the Undercity's affairs. Meanwhile, Vi was made to feel less than the topsiders and wanted more for Powder as well. One day, Vi, Powder,ย 

ย Mylo, andย 

ย Claggorburglarize aย 

ย man's lavish workshop in Piltover, which ultimately caused an explosion that forced them to abscond from the scene.

Piltover wanted to see the culprits brought to justiceโ€”and so the Piltover Council sent the Enforcers to conduct an aggressive manhunt in the Undercity and also implemented punishing commercial sanctions on Zaun districts. Vander taught Vi that she has a responsibility to those that follow her and that she has to be considerate of how her leadership affects them. Furthermore, he warns Vi that vengeance and violence won't solve their problems, and would even create more problems. Later on, Vi learns fromย 

ย Ekkoย that Vander and Sheriffย 

ย Graysonย had a deal to keep the peace between their cities. As the heist leader, Vi was prepared to surrender herself, but Vander locked her in a room and took the blame instead. From a window, she could seeย 

ย Silcoย appearing abruptly, slaying enforcers and kidnapping Vander.

Vi prepares to go rescue Vander, and tells Powder to stay behind. Conflict arose during the rescue, leading to Powder setting off a monkey bomb that killed their adopted family. After Vi learns of Powder's actions, she yells at herโ€”calling her a 'Jinx' before walking away.

Vi took a rest at a far wall, but later saw Powder approached by Silco. Before she could return to Powder, Vi was suddenly drugged unconscious and arrested by soon-to-be Sheriffย 

ย Marcus. For years, Vi was imprisoned in Stillwater Hold Prison without a trial or details of her crimes. Vi spent her days attempting escapes and defending against assassination attempts on her life from murderous prisoners. Prison guards viewed Vi as a troublemaker as she was unruly and was violent against other prisoners that were presumably dangerous Undercity criminals.[2] Nevertheless, the thought of reuniting with her sister gave Vi the determination to persevere in the face of harsh prison life.


One day, Vi received word thatย 

ย Lock, one of Silco's henchmen, was sent to Stillwater Prison and assaulted him in the cafeteria. Vi was locked in her cell where she was visited byย 

ย Caitlyn Kiramman, who Vi believed to be an Enforcer on Silco's payroll. When Caitlyn showed Vi photographs of a crime scene that had graffiti similar to Powder's drawings, Vi became interested in Cait's investigation in order to find her sister. Since Caitlyn required proof that Silco was the secret crime boss of the Undercity, Vi enticed Caitlyn into freeing her by being her guide for the Undercity and also offered to direct her to where she can find the proof she seeks. After being released from prison, Vi searches for her sister with the help of Caitlyn, ultimately findingย 

ย Jinxย in her place. She proceeded to try to reason with her sister, trying to apologize for abandoning her years ago, but lead to no prevail.


Kinda quiet around here today.

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