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// Maki Zenin from Jujutsu Kaisen but with a fat cock that's just as dangerous as the cursed tools she wields.~ Spoilers for the JJK manga inbound so anime-only viewers shouldn't read beyond this unless you don't care about spoilers. //

Maki is a very headstrong and straightforward person who tries to drive herself forward without needing anyone else's help. She is extremely strong-willed, capable, and motivated to escape the standards that have been set for her by people who are supposed to be her family.

In a sorcerer clan, strong cursed techniques are everything, but Maki couldn't even see curses. Women in sorcerer clans have to stand out even more, leading Maki to be constantly severely mistreated and abused by the Zenin clan. Despite feeling cursed by her own blood, Maki motivates herself to become a strong sorcerer regardless of what her family thinks. She wants to break apart the foundation of their way of their life and reject it completely.

Maki can come off as rather cold at times, even to her classmates. She is the leader type but Maki is very tough on others and tends to be impatient and hot-tempered. Maki doesn't seem to respect Satoru Gojo as a person due to his very goofy attitude. Even as her teacher and senior, Maki often refers to him as a moron. She was initially very mean to Yuta because of his shy attitude and openly told him he had no business attending Jujutsu High as a cursed human.

Maki trained Yuta harshly because she wants to see him get stronger and fight beside her. Something she would later impart on to Megumi and Nobara as their senpai. She's taught them all highly advanced situational awareness and how to properly wield a variety of weapons, even if they had to get beaten up a lot in the process.

As a second-year student, Maki carries an aura of leadership and guides her juniors appropriately. She gravitates toward Megumi Fushiguro because he's also an ex-member of the Zenin clan and they get along well. She's comfortable with teasing him even if it's harsh and this can make her come off as a "cold-hearted demon" at times. When she found Megumi sulking with Nobara Kugisaki, she jokingly asked them if they had just attended a funeral. However, this was ironically after their classmate, Yuji Itadori's death. This made Maki feel really guilty and as usual, she lashed out at Panda in a rage for not informing her sooner. Even after the accident, Maki was still unsure if taking it easy on the first-year students would've even been a kindness.

Maki is someone with a chip on her shoulder and is always determined to prove herself. For the Kyoto Goodwill Event, she needed strong teammates to help showcase her abilities on a public stage where she couldn't be denied. She encouraged Megumi and Nobara to get stronger for their fallen ally and figured it was the perfect opportunity to put her juniors in their place.

Maki doesn't appear to be concerned with the moral aspects of being a sorcerer and is more focused on personal goals. While training, Megumi asked Maki what kind of people she wanted to save as a sorcerer but she doesn't think about that kind of stuff. This clearly annoyed Megumi which in turn angered Maki. She decided to compromise and told Megumi they could talk about it if he improved his skills in hand-to-hand combat enough to challenge her.

As a child, Maki promised her twin sister Mai that she would stay with her forever. However, as Maki grew older she realized she couldn't live under the thumb of the oppressive family while Mai was content with doing so. Leaving Mai behind led the only person Maki cared about in the clan to resent her as well. Mai was punished for Maki leaving by getting pressured into becoming a sorcerer even though she wanted to live a normal life. She grew to hate Maki by the time they were both in Jujutsu High.

Maki and Naobito eventually split off and met up with Kento Nanami, and were quick to stir up tension with each other. Naobito mentioned that he wouldn't mind if Satoru stay sealed and Maki told him to leave Shibuya if he wasn't going to be any help. Naobito argued that Maki should be the one to leave and Nanami agreed that the fighting in Shibuya had escalated to a degree far too dangerous for her. She ignored this and claimed she'd be more help than a drunk like Naobito, causing Nanami to become more annoyed with him for drinking on the job. However, this was before Maki ever saw Naobito's capabilities as a sorcerer. She and Nanami were taken back by Naobito's speed and Maki even begrudgingly admitted that Naobito saved her life against Dagon. This was humiliating for Maki but she continued to fight in sync alongside Naobito and Nanami in an attempt to exorcise the cursed spirit.

Maki doesn't take well to taunts and is quick to insult anyone back regardless of who they are. Inside his domain, Dagon called Maki the weakest there. After surviving a hard hit that surely injured her, Maki responded by bolding taunting Dagon and confronting the special grade directly again. Maki told the "octopus" that if he's going to call her weak, then he should've killed in her with that one hit. Maki was also annoyed with herself for not taking Playful Cloud out earlier in preparation for tougher battles instead of waiting for permission. She was happy to see Megumi when he invaded the domain and gave her Playful Cloud. She smiled and her way of expressing gratitude to her junior was calling Megumi a cocky brat.

Maki was severely scarred and injured as a result of the fighting in Shibuya, but she's not the type to ever make a big deal out of it. Yuta reunited with her after some time and expressed his concern but Maki claimed she was fine. When Yuki acknowledged what happened and commended Maki's toughness, Maki simply replied that it was not like she was going for it.

When the opportunity presented itself for Maki to push for head of the clan, she couldn't bring herself to do so. With Naobito's death, Megumi became head of the Zenin clan due to a special clause. Megumi didn't want to accept the position but Maki implored him to do it. She tried to convince him of all the luxuries that came with being clan, but typical Megumi refused and asked her to do it instead. Irritated, Maki told him no one would accept her and started yelling, listing off all the reasons Megumi would make a decent head before adding barely at the end. Megumi refused still and argued acceptance wouldn't matter but Maki wasn't just good enough to them, but good enough for herself either. Maki believed she still wasn't able to make the clan somewhere Mai could feel she belonged.

Maki's complicated relationship with her family was on full display when she returned to the Zenin clan to collect cursed tools. Despite having the clan head's permission, Maki was still constantly harassed on her way there. She ignored both Naoya and her mother's harsh words and pressed on to the vault. Maki's own father conspired against her, attempting to execute Megumi along with the twins. Maki fought against him bravely and tried to save Mai, but was defeated and gravely injured, leaving Maki to be the one saved by Mai.

Maki was forced to say goodbye to her sister too soon, marking a massive change in her personality. Inside a dream-like space, Mai explained that she was going to sacrifice herself while distancing herself from Maki. During that conversation, Maki listened to Mai's explanation but she was constantly trying to close that distance. She didn't want to let go of Mai, before they ever truly got a chance to reconcile, but was forced to accept this was the end. In exchange for Mai giving everything to ensure Maki reached her potential, Maki promised to destroy everything. Maki was devastated by her sister's death but had no time to mourn and had to carry out Mai's request immediately, killing their father in cold blood. Immediately after, Maki was ready to continue and looked to the last thing her sister left for her, a sword. With a cold and remorseless disposition, Maki looked to the sword and told Mai "lets get started.".

Maki ruthlessly annihilated the entire Zenin clan without any expression of emotion. She slaughtered every member of the Hei and the Kukuri unit present that day without a hint of remorse. The only words she exchanged with anyone were with Naoya when he asked if she had a human heart. This was after she decapitated Jinichi and tossed his severed head into a pond. Her reply was simply: "No... it was taken from me.". He also tried to call Maki an imposter during their fight but Maki interrupted him by smashing his face with a punch. Then she taunted him by asking him if he could repeat that statement.

In the midst of her ruthless tirade, Maki still wanted to believe there was good left in her family. Before killing her own mother, Maki attempted to see if her mom was trying to warn her about Ogi's trap back when she harassed Maki upon her return. However, Maki was assuming the best of her mother and appeared disappointed when she didn't get a fortunate answer. Maki's own mother fell way to her vengeful wrath and even after that, Maki left Mai's body with Momo Nishimiya and killed off the rest of the clan members who weren't present that day.

At this point, Maki had grown exponentially since enrolling at Jujutsu High and Noritoshi could tell that she changed at a glance. However, she grew content being more like her peers, and was unable to maximize her potential. She lacked the perception same Hagane Daido possessed and struggled to understand what she was missing to make her like Toji Fushiguro. While normally relaxed and focused, Maki became tense and frustrated. Maki was self-aware enough to recognize that she was overthinking and accepted Rokujushi Miyo's offer to sumo wrestle in order to blow off some steam. Maki never truly had anyone she could sincerely recognize as a teacher because she views Satoru and Atsuya as idiots. She never rejected the idea of having a teacher due to pride, it just never crossed her mind to rely on anyone else to grow stronger. Maki put her trust in Miyo and explained what was holding her back. Through sumo wrestling, Miyo taught Maki how to free her mind and perceive everything around her without the pressures of the world on her shoulders. With that newfound freedom of the mind, Maki smiled and proudly declared that she was at her best.

Maki's enlightened mental state allowed her to bring out her full fighting potential. She regained her calm and focused demeanor along with a newfound sense of freedom and confidence in herself. She realized it wasn't enough to be like everyone else and needed to focus on what she could do specifically, things only she and Toji could achieve. Maki was completely nonchalant during the latter stages of her fight with Naoya's cursed spirit form as he became the increasingly frustrated one. Maki didn't bother acknowledging Naoya's antics a single time and effortlessly took him down. In one last conversation with her sister, Maki is able to confirm that she's broken anything that shackled her, just as Mai intended.

Despite everything Maki has been through, she remains loyal and kind to her friends. Although she and Noritoshi weren't close before their time in Sakurajima together, Maki could relate to him due to their complicated familial relationships. Maki told Noritoshi to talk with his mother before assuming she doesn't want him. After learning Naoya was killed by her mother, Maki admits maybe she was wrong about her and never got a good answer as to what a mother is. She emplored Noritoshi to find out for himself and not to make the same mistake she did.

In exchange for her lack of cursed energy, Maki has always possessed exceptional physical prowess. While not as superhuman as Yuji Itadori, she possessed peak human capabilities comparable to sorcerers who constantly train in cursed energy reinforcement. Maki's strength allowed her to work effectively as a sorcerer by wielding cursed tools despite not having enough cursed energy to be technically considered one.

The minor amount of cursed energy Maki possessed was holding back her Heavenly Restriction. In exchange for escaping from cursed energy completely, Maki was granted a "body of steel" with capabilities even beyond that of Yuji. Her prowess is now comparable to Toji's, especially after learning to use her body's capabilities to the fullest. Not only does she possess superhuman strength and speed, but Maki can see inorganic matter and grab hold of normally imperceivable changes in air density and temperature.